Hey All,
I want to learn how to script and be self-sufficient (ie not have to borrow all of the time
), but don't know where to start.
I've asked about 10 s/ware gurus about OFP scripts, and they all give me different answers. I also can't find any info in the forums, or on any website/tutorial.
2 questions:
1) What language is this (or closest to, if it's a dialect)? [I'm referring to the script lang. we use in EXT files like 'ClassObject', or 'NOT (alive Player)' etc].
2) What books would you suggest for me to learn scripting: at least. enough to stand on my own two feet.
I've heard that it could be Python, C++, OR everyone's favorite: propietary! What's an aspiring scripter to do? Heeeee ;D.
Thanks for your help!