No no no...
I am not worrying about "mission reviewing" at OFPEC..
I do that stuff at ofp Arena
I am just saying that there are a few youngsters out there that want to do alot for this game. Like me, when I first got this game, I sent in 3 shit missions here because I "wanted" to submit something and support badly...
Besides it was funny to see the comments and stuff about the review...
And as for those MP missions I sent in...
They are horrible,
Battlefields Regeneration: when you died, you keep on dying
Lost Prayers: Laggy as all hell, and when you finally complete
the mission, you find out the god damn
helicopter door is set on "lock" inside the editor
If you could take both those missions OUT, that would be great, cause, sadly, I didnt BETA TEST..
"see how important it is people?"