Version tested: 0.95
My rig: AMD XP 1900+/ GF2 32 MB/512 MB RAM.
OFP Benchmark: ~4600-ish
View distance: 1100
How the mission runs: somewhat stuttery at times, but still playable (10-25 fps, avg 17 according to FRAPS . I'm suspecting my ageing GF2 here, however, a XP3000+ wouldn't hurt either...
My result: played it once and got a score of 7260, IIRC.
Wow! I love it!!! It really gives you a feeling of an actual base. Granted, IRL, they wouldn't be allowed to set
up camp that close to the runway. It wouldn't be long before a jet would be FOD:ed, I think...
Some notes on the subtitles:
* during the Apache scout cutscene there's a "we're under attack, Zeus, Zues". Zues?
* later there's a lot of Capitalized Words In The Middle Of Sentences. Words that I noted
and jotted down are: "HeadQuarters", "Helicopter". Also, when I get a lift from the corporal
in the beginning of the mission, he says something like "So you are going on the Assault?". :-X
* There's a scene where the company commander is discussing the plans with his Lt:s. In that
dialogue, someone is using the word "occupation" to describe what they are doing on Malden.
It seems strange that an officer would use that word, since it has sort of a negative ring to it.
Now, if I was in service and heard "the occupation of Malden" from my CO, I'd begin to think...
Learning from current world, perhaps it would be better to have the actor talk about
the "operations on Malden".
Yep, it's difficult, mostly because of the extremely non-intelligent behaviour of the AI:s under my command.
"3, go to bush 12 o'clock". "Ok, you mean lie down here in the open and keep an eye on, say, that house there.
That way I can get a 30 mm HE from the BMP:s up my chimney as soon as possible"
Not that there's anything a mission maker can do about that, though... ;D
I was only able to survive the counter-attack after many a reloads in order to get my squaddies to do
what I meant. The many reloads, however, produced the "mysterious invisible AT weapons" bug that
so many have reported here.
What happens is that, from the start of the mission I had carried a LAW launcher and after having used
all the ammo on a couple of menacing BMPs, I dropped it to the ground to load up grenades for my M203. Later, the need for more AT arose and I went to look for the LAW. Hmm... not visible, however "pick-upable".
After that, whenever I try to use the LAW (same goes for the odd AT4 lying around in Larche), the tube itself
is invisible and the sights dont work. Any other of my AI:s carrying the AT4 (now empty) have the same problem -
their Carl Gustavs are invisible. Very strange. Extremely frustrating.
Also, what is wrong with Lt Morris? During the whole attack he stays at the table from which he made
the radio call earlier. What is he waiting for? Room service?
At least set him to "COMBAT" behaviour, lest
he gets shot too early. Actually, I'd have him enter one of the nearby houses for cover.
Having him standing by the table in the open actually made me not really care for him, as it seemed too unrealistic.
Excellent mission! Strange sentences and silly Lt:s aside, I like it.