Hmm? The idea is to reveal every detected enemy to every friendly unit. I gathered this is what you are after? For this to work you need an array of all friendly units, e.g. if you have two groups on your side, you could do it like:
AllFriendlies = (units grp1) + (units grp2)
In addition, you need an array of all detected enemy units. This is provided by an "East detected by West" Trigger (for example where east is the enemy). The trigger should cover the whole map. Give this trigger a name like EdbW and use
AllDetectedEnemies = list EdbW
(the list command returns an array of units within a triggers scope).
Now you should have everything ready for the above reveal snippet to work.
In short, reveal has no effect on knowsabout that I could measure.
When I tested it, it has an effect on the knowsabout value (check out the attached mission, where an east group is revealed every 20 secs to the leader of a west group.
My findings are:
-When revealing a unit, the knowsabout value (KA) jumps to 1.0
-When the unit is too far away (~1000m, viewdistance?), KA immediately drops back to zero
-Within the above range, KA slowly drops off normally after revealing
-In addition, if sufficiently close, the behaviour of the unit to which the enemy is revealed switches to combat and it will even try to attack the actually invisible enemy