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Author Topic: hookay........  (Read 3340 times)

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« on: 20 Aug 2002, 21:51:09 »
if yall recall before the shut down i was asking qs about making this new chopper for the resistance using an existing user-created model. i made all the textures, and replaced the original .pacs with the new ones - i had already made the .cpp so it was a new unit. for some reason, i can view the .pacs with texview and they are as i wanted. problem is when i load up the unit the old textures are still there, even though the .pacs have been replaced. any thoughts?


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« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2002, 21:54:47 »
because the p3d is still coded to look for the textures in the original addons .pbo, you will need to hex edit the p3d


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« Reply #2 on: 20 Aug 2002, 22:06:10 »
this is rePboed......so surely the p3d cant load pictures that arent there?

and, if, by some magical arrangement it can, how am i supposed to edit it? i have texp3d and when i tried it before i got an error of 'overflow'.

if any admin are reading this is it possible to be able to locate the URL of my old pic? i had it somewhere, but it's gone....


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« Reply #3 on: 21 Aug 2002, 00:10:29 »
Ok let's see if I can explain this well, Bimbi,KKB and Fillo (for no special order) teached that to me  ;)
Suposing that you made the config cpp file well,when you changed the model using the demo .p3d file, you automatically lost all the chances to use SwapUtility on it, which means, that the .p3d file (the model file) is getting the files from the original model,since in it's description it's getting the files from ex: M113\name of the texture file.
Normally you would fix this with texture swap utility, but after using the p3d2Obj tool, it just doesn't work more so it means we have a problem here, the model is changed but it keeps getting the old texture files. ;D
Solution, well if Maome don't go to the Mountains, the Mountains go to Maome  ;D
We are gonna Hex that baby LOL  ;D
Hex consists on opening file and change it's attributes (something like that) and we use an Hex editor there are a lot but you can use for example Hex Workshop, make a search on www.cnet.com
it's a shareware, but there are more.
Than you'll replace the M113 (ex) to whatever you decided to call the addon ex: Replace M113 for Lim1, pay special attention to some small things, first the part you change as to be exactely the name of the pbo, second, you can not and I repeat you can not use more or less letters than the ones written in the p3d addon place ex: M113 = Li12 =l123 =1234
soon you'll find out something I'm fu*** I can't use more than four for the M113 how am I gonna TAG it so it can be OFPEC accepted (read the TAG thing in the addons depot), well this is a boring problem, specially if you making something from an M16 for example that only uses 3 letters, well I said you can't add more or take  letters from the name of the addon but you can take from the texture files LOL  ;D
It's a though cookie at the beggining but very easy with some experience  ;D
What are we gonna do? Well ex:
M113\leftsidefile.paa = LimeM113\sidefile.paa (know what I mean?) LimeM113\8letters_.pac the _ counts as a letter or number or whatsoever.
which means, that for ex:(are you getting this  ??? )you have the M16 riffle, and you wanna make a different model from there and call it,LimoM16 well we have more 4 letters, so we are gonna take them off, from alll texture files you used 4 letters too  ;D(A litlle bit like the ritch and poor, you give to this, you take from that LOL) So you will replace one by one like this: M16\leftside.paa = LimoM16\side.paa
M16\whatever.pac = LimoM16\ever.pac  ;D
okay, before starting MAKE A SAFE COPY, you fail one and it's the end of the party, it will be tricky as I told you before, but you'll get there, also change only the texture files you have changed to make the addon smaller, if you changed them all, well good luck you'll need it you'll have a though job  ;D
If things get really messy or you get lost ask in the forum or send me a private message and I'll help you  ;)
After finnishing all the Hexing save the p3d file over the one your using, and it's Rock n Roll, if the music doesn't start and the game don't load, than my friend you choosed the wrong tune, I think you messed up, remenber the safe Copy I told you to make ? Go get it fast you'll need it  ;D, and start again GoodLuck  ;D
Patience and Precision are the keys on Hexing, and also (oops I forgot) make sure you made cpp file well, or you can be killing the wrong enemy  ;D
Good Luck and ask me if you get stuck  ;)
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2002, 00:40:19 by Skaven »


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« Reply #4 on: 21 Aug 2002, 12:37:38 »
i think the phrase ryhmes with 'clucking bell'.

the original .pac files that i changed were called skin1, skin2, skin3, and skin4. if i'm editing the p3d do i have to keep these the same name, or can i change the name and add 6 letters?
« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2002, 12:39:29 by LimeCordial »


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« Reply #5 on: 21 Aug 2002, 12:41:06 »
also, anyone know where i can get a hold of capt moore?


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« Reply #6 on: 21 Aug 2002, 12:54:21 »
ok, i got hex workshop, opened up the .p3d and.......well..........i uh........am slightly confused.  ??? :o


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« Reply #7 on: 21 Aug 2002, 13:15:41 »
I was expecting that  ;D
Make a search for the name of the original pbo file your using inside the Hex, and switch to Instant Messages, or we'll be locked  ;D