Ok I got resistance just for this addon. It was worth it. I just wonder if its possible to change the m4 firing effects. It sounds a bit unrealistic. The new updated firing sound for the orginal game's m16/mx sounds very realistic. As it is now, I just don't want to use the m4's with this pack because I feel liked im firing a cap gun. Other than that I have no complaints at all.
Do you guys plan to add more weapons common among the delta operators? Maybe another assault rifle that isn't 5.56mm. Im sure the delta guys know how easily that round's trajectory can be thrown off even by twigs and brush. What other types of weapons do they use in forest/bush type areas?
Also, do they really prefer the 9mm pistols? The glock I can understand because of its reliability and adaptability. Currently our troops in Afghanistan are reporting that their Berettas are complete junk. They are also reporting that it can take 3+ shots to take these fanatics down - 1. They are fighting a "jihad" and just get back up firing, 2. The 5.56 round goes way to fast to preform the "tumble" inside the body that it was designed for, 3. The shorter m4 barrel.
What is delta doing about these problems? I don't expect you to know, but its food for thought for the next release.
Great job!