Josef the chopper - HALO system is just old and lame + its buggy in MP.
Its bether to use the parachute camcreate method...
We hawe the new commands to doo it in the right, clean and easy way,
why then use the old and lame chopper ejection method???
Now how the right method works:
Our player is named AP1, the para were creating for AP1 is named AP1para.
AP1para = "parachuteWest" camCreate (getPos AP1)
AP1 switchMove ""
AP1 moveindriver AP1para
AP1para = objNull
...and that was it! You see? Just simple. No laggy lamo chopper $h!t, no crash sounds from the chopper after you put it away, and the best of it all, you dont need a chopper falling constantly to make function the script, you just call it whenever you want and it cleanly deploys the chute.
Before i used the chopper system, witch gave me alot of probs in MP,
then Ranger teacht me how to doo it right ^________^