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Author Topic: Bridge problen?  (Read 6730 times)

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #15 on: 27 Feb 2003, 11:12:35 »
as:Data3D/most_stred30.pbo havent found it under that folder so u must have some special edition of resistance ;D

Offline Gielovic

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #16 on: 27 Feb 2003, 16:42:57 »
I've an Official Expansion Pack so, don't know what's Wrong


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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #17 on: 27 Feb 2003, 17:15:36 »
Believe me. I have used Data3D/most_sred30. Just look on Skye at the bottom fight corner of island and there it is.  Maybe it's because you have to search for it, then add it.

But it is there.... ;)

Waterman :)

Offline Gielovic

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #18 on: 27 Feb 2003, 21:34:25 »
You guys talking about O.pbo. I found it in Res/addons, but when I add it in the PBmanager of WRPedit it's an empty file. Even if I paste it in the OFP/DTA folder!
O yeh, that RES/DTA/DATA3D/most_stred30 is white, it doesn't work!!!! I want to have a normally colered bridge!!!

Offline Planck

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #19 on: 27 Feb 2003, 22:07:22 »

WrpEdit cannot read O.pbo.
You need to make a copy of O.pbo elsewhere and use a hex editor to remove the first 46 bytes.

Search the forum, all this has been covered before in other threads.
If you search you will find the answers.


most_stred30.p3d is also in the Resistance Data3d.pbo, but, this particular one is not the same bridge as the one in O.pbo.
Both bridges work fine, although the Data3d version doesn't seem to have the handrails completed and is a lot smaller physically than the O.pbo version which you see on Nogova.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Offline Gielovic

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #20 on: 28 Feb 2003, 11:10:45 »
Can't somebody just send me the bridge .p3d?
I really need it!!


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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #21 on: 01 May 2003, 02:52:07 »
Try this:

1) Make sure the bridge section actually touches the ground (wether it is under water level or not).
2) Set the height of the bridge section by un-ticking the "Fit to Ground" box and then type in your height.
3) Don't touch it again unless neccesary. If you do have to touch it, repeat these steps.

That's what i needed, i was having same prob.  thx waterman!


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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #22 on: 14 May 2003, 21:40:52 »
Speaking of Bridges, is there a way to place a bridge so that they'll be placed at exactly same height for each terrain level?
(Here, Make a smooth hill for 4 cells, starting at -10 and ending at 50. After making miniscule changes, load it on OFP. Although the bridge is fine with "lowest" terrain detail, but the bridge position gets messed up once you set it to "normal," "High" etc. Now, I'm unchecking "Fit to ground" and setting the Y coordinate manually.)

Offline Planck

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #23 on: 15 May 2003, 00:19:05 »
I think you have the method just right......that is the only way to do it.

Although it is always best to make your bridge heights for Normal Detail because the vast majority of users will be using normal.

If anyone wants a version for Low Detail it will have to be made specially.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #24 on: 19 May 2003, 05:55:55 »
Hey guys..
I had a post like this.. similar probs too..
1stly I have a prob with the second smaller bridge..i have it but my vehicles cant use it.. they sink about 1m like quicksand and freeze in the middle :) Amusing.. anyone else had this...
2ndly The fit-to-ground problem.. I recognize Planck as the expert on this...received advice etc .. however.. I found that if all levels are the same eg.  Y -2.00.. then they will be perfect in L-Detail.. it is when the detail is increased that problems occur.. for me ;)
If terrain is relatively simple.. setheight 20 on both sides of bridge, for about 3 cells either side of central position.. then warping was minimal.. but as planck said for more detailed versions.. the boring and monotonous procedure of change height..save.. then check ingame is essential

Now for a final  problem not spoken of yet..(i think)
I have 6 bridges on my map..( Iraq-port region).. all correct height in LD but (planck fixed this once before me).. I need 3 sometimes up to 5 waypoints to get them to cross bridge.. sometimes Armoured wont at all..
All Cells + Flags set as previously spoken.. Im wondering if when i change bridge flags.. whether the geommetry or incline levels should be the same..(incline 0 ??)
MadAussie out...

Offline Planck

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #25 on: 20 May 2003, 02:34:44 »
I have also looked at the inclines for the slopes either end of bridges, but as yet I have not discovered a coherent pattern.

The way I normally get AI to cross a bridge is to set ALL cells that the bridge is standing on as Roadway.

This must be done AFTER you have reset the terrain flags after working on the island, otherwise the bridge route will be reset to not-Roadway.

One last thing, I have come across a case where this does not work, in this particular case the bridge was not set North-South or East West, is was more like NorthEast- SouthWest.
In other words it was approx 40 degrees orientation.

Some Ai did cross it, but some, notably armour refused point-blank to cross it.

Hope some of that helps.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #26 on: 20 May 2003, 15:37:53 »
Just a thought....when you are adjusting terrain height in WRPEdit you are changing a single point, which then affects a hexagon around it. If the bridge is placed exactly on this point, would it then be the same height at all terrain detail values?


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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #27 on: 27 May 2003, 11:24:20 »
Gday guys..
Ill get onto it  ASAP.. C what i come up with..excuse the delay though i dislocated rotator cuff so am working one handed..
Relating to plancks last post.. all my bridges are n/s or e/w.. ill get round to sending it for a peep when you have time
MadAussie out....

Offline Dig69

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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #28 on: 01 Aug 2003, 13:31:25 »
I'm having that same problem early in the post..   with the bridges differing in hieghts....  i've done all the things that where suggested over and over with a little better result .  but still i got the different hieghts..
     i got 2 bridges so far... one going at a 45 and the other going N and S
...  as far as AI...  even with the couple of bad sections i got them to take both armor (m1a1) and a jeep across the bridge...  he even jumped to the lower sections and haulled ass across no problems. but no matter what i do when i save in WRP edit..  it will switch a few sections of the bridge back to fit to ground.   anyone know why this is?..

   on that note... i noticed that when i go back into the editor after testing and seeing the sections that are bad...  they will all be checked as fit to ground not just the ones that where bad

                           looking for any suggestions...



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Re:Bridge problen?
« Reply #29 on: 05 Aug 2003, 17:32:06 »
Gday mate..
Ive fixed my problem...!!
As long as all settings in Flags are the same there shouldnt be a hassle. eg values incline,damage etc are similar.. all at 1, 0, 0 ive found AI to be good .. 9 bridges currently.. im also using a few as freeways!! he he hic  :o
For your question.. anything you place must be placed on ground or at some level under.. otherwise game automatically sets them to ground.. frustrating but nothing we can do..
Finished rambling.. back to Umm Qasr :)

MadAussie out...