Either from the eventhandlers:
class EventHandlers
gear = "if (_this Select 1) then {(_this Select 0) Animate [""LeftGear"", 0]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""RightGear"", 0]} else {(_this Select 0) Animate [""LeftGear"", 1]; (_this Select 0) Animate [""RightGear"", 1]}";
init="[_this select 0] exec ""\brt_sb2c\manager.sqs""";
Or from a Useraction:
class UserActions
class GunnerU
displayName="Use Gun";
condition="this animationPhase ""rcanopya"" >= .03 and gunner this == player";
statement="[this, gunner this] exec ""\brt_sb2c\gunner.sqs""";