This is a pretty pointless reply but I'm curious to find the answer out.... this is the scenario... CWC and Res installed, download an Addon that says Res only... drop it in Res\Addons and all is ok.... drop it in the Addons folder and as long as you start the game with the Res CD it will read it from the Addons folder as well?
The instructions that say put this addon in the Res\Addon folder are just to make sure that someone who only has CWC doesn't try to run CWC with the Addon that requires Res to run?
? mmmm I don't think I'm making any sense..... quick one liner coming...
here it is...
If I own Res (which I do), it doesn't matter where I put the addons as Res reads from both Addons and Res\Addons.... is this true.