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CPP Help
« on: 10 Feb 2003, 05:51:17 »
Was making this pack of m4's right well i got the cpp doen or so i though well it wont work now i keep gettin" sdbd_m4a1\config.cpp\SfgWeapons\M4A1_ACOG_M203/M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD.SDBD_M4A1:
Undefined base class 'SDBD_M4A1_RIS'
Well here is the cpp hope you guys can tell me what is wrong with it :-)
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot            0// dummy weapons
#define WeaponSlotPrimary      1// primary weapons
#define WeaponSlotSecondary   16// secondary weapons
#define WeaponSlotItem         256// items
#define WeaponSlotBinocular   4096// binocular
#define WeaponHardMounted      65536

class CfgPatches
   class M4A1_ACOG_RIS
      units[] = {SDBDM4A1_ACOG};
      weapons[] = {M4A1_ACOG_RIS};
      requiredVersion = 1.90;
   class M4A1_ACOG_M203
      units[] = {SDBDM4A1_ACOG_M203};
      weapons[] = {M4A1_ACOG_M203};
      requiredVersion = 1.90;
   class M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD
      units[] = {SDBDM4A1SD_ACOG};
      weapons[] = {M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD};
      requiredVersion = 1.90;
   class  M4A1_ACOG_M203_SD
      units[] = {SDBDM4A1SD_ACOG_m203};
      weapons[] = {M4A1_ACOG_M203_SD};
      requiredVersion = 1.90;

class CfgModels
   class default {};
   class Weapon: default {};
   class M4A1_ACOG_RIS: Weapon {};
   class M4A1_ACOG_M203: Weapon {};
   class M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD: Weapon {};
   class M4A1_ACOG_M203_SD: Weapon {};


class CfgAmmo
   class Default {};
   class BulletSingle: Default{};
   class BulletSilencedSingle: BulletSingle{};
   class SDBDM4SDBullet: BulletSilencedSingle
      hit= 8;
      indirectHit= 1;
      indirectHitRange= 0.40000;
      visibleFire= 16;
      audibleFire= 16;
      visibleFireTime= 10;
class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class MGun: Default {};
   class Riffle: MGun {};
   class M16: riffle {};

   class M4A1_ACOG_RIS: riffle
      displayName="SDBD M4A1 ACOG";
      opticsFlare= true;
      modes[]= {"Single","Full"};
      class Single
         displayName="M4A1 Single";
         soundContinuous= 0;
         aiRateOfFireDistance = 200;
      class Full
         multiplier= 1;
         burst= 1;
         displayName= "M4A1 (Full)";
         dispersion=0.0006000; //was 0.0008000
         soundContinuous= 0;
         reloadTime= 0.100000;
         ffCount= 3;
         autoFire= 1;
         aiRateOfFire= 5.00000;
         aiRateOfFireDistance= 200;
         useAction = 0;
         useActionTitle= "";
      class M4A1_ACOG_M203: riffle
      opticsFlare= true;
      modes[]= {"Single","Full"};
      class Single
         soundContinuous= 0;
         aiRateOfFireDistance = 200;
      class Full
         multiplier= 1;
         burst= 1;
         displayName= "M4A1 (Full)";
         dispersion=0.0006000; //was 0.0008000
         soundContinuous= 1;
         reloadTime= 0.100000;
         ffCount= 3;
         autoFire= 1;
         aiRateOfFire= 5.00000;
         aiRateOfFireDistance= 200;
         useAction = 0;
         useActionTitle= "";
      class GrenadeLauncher: Default {};
      class M203Muzzle: GrenadeLauncher
         muzzlePos="usti granatometu";
         muzzleEnd="konec granatometu";
   class M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD: riffle
      displayName="SDBD M4A1 ACOG SD";
      opticsFlare= true;
      modes[]= {"Single","Full"};
      class Single
         soundContinuous= 0;
         aiRateOfFireDistance = 200;
      class Full
         multiplier= 1;
         burst= 1;
         displayName= "M4A1 (Full)";
         dispersion=0.0006000; //was 0.0008000
         soundContinuous= 1;
         reloadTime= 0.100000;
         ffCount= 3;
         autoFire= 1;
         aiRateOfFire= 5.00000;
         aiRateOfFireDistance= 200;
         useAction = 0;
         useActionTitle= "";
      class M4A1_ACOG_M203_SD: riffle
      opticsFlare= true;
      modes[]= {"Single","Full"};
      class Single
         soundContinuous= 0;
         aiRateOfFireDistance = 200;
      class Full
         multiplier= 1;
         burst= 1;
         displayName= "M4A1 (Full)";
         dispersion=0.0006000; //was 0.0008000
         soundContinuous= 1;
         reloadTime= 0.100000;
         ffCount= 3;
         autoFire= 1;
         aiRateOfFire= 5.00000;
         aiRateOfFireDistance= 200;
         useAction = 0;
         useActionTitle= "";
      class GrenadeLauncher: Default {};
      class M203Muzzle: GrenadeLauncher
         muzzlePos="usti granatometu";
         muzzleEnd="konec granatometu";

   class SDBD_M4A1: SDBD_M4A1_RIS
      displayNameMagazine = SDBD_M4A1;
      shortNameMagazine = SDBD_M4A1;
      displayNameMagazine = M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD;
      shortNameMagazine = M4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD;
class CfgVehicles
   class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Land:AllVehicles{};
   class Man:Land{};
   class Soldier:Man{};
   class SoldierWB:Soldier{};
   class SoldierWG: SoldierWB{};

   class SDBDM4A1_ACOG: SoldierWB
   model="mc vojakw2.p3d";
   displayName="SDBD M4A1 ACOG";
   class SDBDM4A1_ACOG_M203: SoldierWB
   displayName="SDBD M4A1 ACOG M203";
   class SDBDM4A1SD_ACOG: SoldierWB
   displayName="SDBD M4A1 ACOG M203";

   class SDBDM4A1SD_ACOG_m203: SoldierWB
   displayName="SDBD M4A1SD ACOG M203";


class CfgNonAIVehicles
   class ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyM4A1_ACOG_RIS: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyM4A1_ACOG_M203: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyM4A1_ACOG_M203_SD: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyM4A1_ACOG_RIS_SD: ProxyWeapon {};


Thanks in advance Guys

major asshole

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Re:CPP Help
« Reply #1 on: 10 Feb 2003, 06:34:59 »


I suck at weapons cfgs but as far as I can see the problem is in the mags definitions. You have:

class SDBD_M4A1: SDBD_M4A1_RIS

it's the :SDBD_M4A1_RIS part, the error is saying that this class hasn't been defined anywhere

hope this helps



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Re:CPP Help
« Reply #2 on: 10 Feb 2003, 07:39:13 »
Thanks for you opinion m8.
Well I tried that and still get an error same as the old except with RIS
Undefined base class 'SDBD_M4A1_RIS'

Offline Jackal326

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Re:CPP Help
« Reply #3 on: 10 Feb 2003, 20:49:18 »
'SDBD_M4A1_RIS' is only defined in the mags section (used ctrl+f to look for it)....it needs to be fixed and changed to 'M4A1_ACOG_RIS'
« Last Edit: 10 Feb 2003, 20:51:26 by Jackal326 »
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