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Author Topic: rouund textures  (Read 1359 times)

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rouund textures
« on: 28 Jan 2003, 10:55:16 »
how can i texture a round shape (without texturing each face of the object) ????



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Re:rouund textures
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jan 2003, 11:36:42 »
Just select the faces one by one and then texture.


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Re:rouund textures
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jan 2003, 11:51:59 »


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Re:rouund textures
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jan 2003, 11:58:52 »
whats rong. :-\


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Re:rouund textures
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jan 2003, 14:02:52 »
i did this that way but its rather anoying when u have many faces !!!
and the result is quite unsure (textures doesnt match from one face to the other ...)

but its ok ill do that way ...

(euh.. i m not sure to be well understood, im french and my english is a bit poor !! :p)



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Re:rouund textures
« Reply #5 on: 28 Jan 2003, 16:02:09 »
I am Danish and also makes alot of spelling mistakes.
And I think that I have made one here.
I thing that you understud what I said like this: that you had to select one
and then texture. But what I meant was that you select alle the faces you want and then texture you can do that by pressing Ctrl down and mark all the faces you want to texture and then you do it. :)


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Re:rouund textures
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jan 2003, 08:14:03 »
yes i know that but if you texture all the faces of a round shape at the same time, each face will have a kind of "different texture" (i dont know if im clear ...)

 anyway ill try to deal with those textures ....


PS : im working on a PGM mini-hecate .338
if anyone as some textures clue to give me or some URL where ican find ideas for my textures .....