Thanks for the feedback guys....the m4s are FlipeR's...the radio and holster textures are not completed yet and there still needs to be some other texture tweaks...these are the beta...beta models...I was just checking that they were what people were use making an addon that nobody is going to use....
Ultimately...I would like to do Green berets (like in the pics but also with helmets), some Parajumpers and MFR.
Although I did hand the ranger and delta models over to BAS, I might release a small Ranger and Delta addon just to fit in with the rest of the units...
Currently only a woodland version of these units is planned, as I lot of my time is spent on Project UK Forces...but I wouldn't dismiss the idea of desert ones...
As for the weapons, I had FlipeR's in the addon folder so I used them...but as I'm not a good weapon modeller (remeber my first SA-80 - granted it was preO2), any suggestions are welcome......