1) place the following line in your init.sqs file
[]exec "Clearcorpse.sqs"then
2) insert the following scripts into your mission's folder
?(!local server):exit
gamestatus = "RUNNING"
?(count (list EVERYUNIT) < 2):goto "loop"
_curlist = list EVERYUNIT
_n = _n + 1
?(!alive (_curlist select _n)): [(_curlist select _n)] exec "delbody.sqs"
?(_n < (count _curlist)):goto "loop2"
?(gamestatus != "FINISHED"): goto "loop"
_u = _this select 0
_u setpos [0,0,99999]
deletevehicle _u
the wait 62 seconds (~62) is to stop dead flag runners from disappearing if there is a 60 second flag return delay
you can delay it by whatever you want
Basically every 6o seconds this cyscles and removes dead bodies
i dont see the point of having it recycle any quicker than once/ minute and even that may be a bit to often
there is no need for triggers etc
also of interest is Tacticians tutorial about removing ai created by the server when a player disconnects