I've got a little problem. I made a script to make a car explode after arming and a timer of x secs.
Now, in the Init field in the editor, to apply it to a vehicle, i used the following line:
this addAction["Arm bomb", "bomb.sqs"]
now, if i want to change the time i have to escape from the explosion, i need to look in the script.
is there a way of passing the the _timeleft parametre in an instrucion such as
this addAction ["actionname", "script.sqs"]
as you would do if the init field was
[objectname, parametre] exec "script.sqs"
[objectname, parametre] addAction ["actionname", "script.sqs"]
TNX TNX TNX to anyone who replies => => he'll also be given credits in v. 2.0 of my script!!!!
if you want to give a look at the script, u can download this zip file