I think I can help ya,I did it once in one of my own missions, but it were 2 choppers instead of 10..
I can tell you how you can do this with one chopper, repeat this if you want more of them.
- I placed somewhere on the map far from the action:
- jack : the pilot
- bob : the gunner
- marker(empty) name "spawn"
- marker(empty) name "chopmove"
then I wrote a script :activated via a trigger or whatever...
chop = "Mi17" camcreate getmarkerpos "spawn"chop setPos [(getPos chop select 0),(getPos chop select 1),(getPos chop select 2)+800]chop setdir 45 (I choose 45 which is NE, I think)Jack moveindriver chopBob moveingunner chopJack domove getmarkerpos "chopmove"@ unitready jack
and so on ... land, dofire...whatever you want him to do
This works for me but remember you have to place a marker for every chopper and dont forget the crew.
Place the marker really far from the action, You won't hear the engines at all.
You can experiment with the 800 in the setpos line, cause at night I had to place it a lot higher (1200m) I don't know why...
I'm not a scripter, but I know this works for me...maybe there is some1 with a easier way...
hmm.. I don't have OFP with me now, so there could be some typo's, ... "Mi17" I'm not sure about that,check the comref
Hope it helps m!