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Author Topic: Muzzle Flash Question  (Read 969 times)

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Muzzle Flash Question
« on: 20 Jan 2003, 05:16:16 »
Hello All,

I'm new to the forum and fairly new to OFP and editing/modding it but I am trying to jump in with both feet.  
I've started creating a campaign and have been doing a lot of reading of the documents available here, which have been very informative.  
I've run into one problem though that I hope someone might be able to help me out on.  
I downloaded several weapon add-ons that when displayed in the game have a permanent muzzle flash on them.  Some of the add-ons I didn't care too much for anyway so it was no big deal but I have an add-on for the M-24 sniper rifle that is doing the same thing and I would very much like to use it in my campaign.  
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the muzzle flash or point me in the right direction to some info on how I can ditch the permanent muzzle flash?
Any help would be appreciated.



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Re:Muzzle Flash Question
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jan 2003, 15:28:57 »
you prob have to  alter the .cpp file.


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Re:Muzzle Flash Question
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jan 2003, 21:03:22 »
..it's called the "Muzzle Flash Bug", and it's probably THE
most popular and well documented bug around..


..just searc for "muzzle flash bug" on the forums(s),
and you'll find your answers..
