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Author Topic: Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders  (Read 1692 times)

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Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« on: 23 Aug 2002, 09:18:29 »
Here is a really good link for people making WW2 missions or mods:
It has (most importantly) unit orginisations: so you can make your squads as real as they were back then. it goes all the way from squad, to platoon, to company, to battalion, to regiment and divison. This site is very diverese.

It also has all the infantry weapons used in WW2 by all combatants! From the Garand to the Gewehr!

Check out http://www.stormpages.com/garyjkennedy/index.htm now!


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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #1 on: 23 Aug 2002, 12:19:08 »
Oh cool, Thanks frosty that will help me code some flipping groups for the WW2 Teams infantry.  ;D

¬ Lobster


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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #2 on: 24 Aug 2002, 03:02:46 »
Good-o Lobster. I hope you do use this cos it has a heap of groups.
Like there is a:
squad commander
squad assistance commander
seven infantry men
BAR Group (BAR gunner + two assistances)

I reckon someone should code in the tactics the US Rifle Squad used. The squad commander guy and the seven infantry men (rifle men) moved in while the Automatic Rifle Team provided a "base-of-fire" which the assistant commander directed.


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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #3 on: 24 Aug 2002, 15:55:13 »
The acctualy tactics, and chain of command system are coded into the flashpoint .dll file, Which obviously we dont have access to, Unless BIS released a full SDK.

However mission makers could easily script some sort of dynamic squad system.



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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #4 on: 25 Aug 2002, 03:59:19 »
Yes, that's what I intend to do with my platoon-level mission. Code a couple of scripts. The BAR gunner is interesting. I plan to code in that when he runs out of ammo the ammo bearer gives the BAR gunner more ammo. And if the BAR gunner dies the assistant gunner takes the gun. The three must stick together.


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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #5 on: 25 Aug 2002, 17:25:58 »
Ooo nice, You should do somthing similar with the Bazooka soldiers, Cause they usually had a loader with them.  ;D

¬ Lobster


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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #6 on: 26 Aug 2002, 11:15:26 »
:D You read my mind. For Bazooka team, the baz guy only has one usable round. When he has no rounds left the ammo guy plays a reload animation behind the bazooka guy and the bazooka guy gets another mag.


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Re:Important link for WW2 Mission Makers and Modders
« Reply #7 on: 30 Aug 2002, 09:50:56 »
Uh-oh, the site is down. If anybody wants me to send you the info at this site (quite a lot - all the infantry weapons of WWII and all divisional + battalion, regimental, company, platoon and squad structures just give me a hoy at: