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Author Topic: A simple request  (Read 1205 times)

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Offline General Barron

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A simple request
« on: 07 Jan 2003, 07:40:24 »
Hey, this is my first post. I have been editing for a few months now, and have referenced OFPEC tons and tons, but I never registered until just now. Anyway, I just wanna say "hello" to the editing community, and give thanks to all those involved in the OFPEC.

That said, I'll get to my topic.

I was wondering if there is an updated list of weapons and ammo names anywhere? I don't mean man-portable weapons, I mean weapons for vehicles (like SHELL125 and the like). Right now I am running off of an appendix in an old "Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual" (v 1.3), but it only has the weapon names for the vehicles in OFP version 1 or something.

Actually, I wanted to know what the name of the AP and HE machine gun on the BMP 2 was. Is there a way to find the names of weapons used in addons? If so, I would love to know how. Or, if someone would post an updated weapons list, that would be great too.

I know there are some Resistance weapons lists, but they only include infantry weapons. I don't have Resistance (I'm a cheap SOB), but aren't there any new vehicles in it, with new weapons? I'm sure it would be usefull to know how to reference them.

Thanks for the help and the great site!
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Offline dmakatra

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Re:A simple request
« Reply #1 on: 07 Jan 2003, 11:26:39 »
Try the editing:genral board.

I have the Mod-blood in my vains ;D.