ok this is what i use, but im a noob at alll this stuff compared to everyone else on here, but i found this was a great option especially since i suck at writing the sqs files in notepad.... any ways here it is-
unitname action ["eject", vehicle unitname]
the way it works is you would make a plane or something that flies carry you're troops, (unfortunately with this method requires you to make a trigger with the same code in it for each troop) you put the code into the init box, make sure the plane or helo has a waypoint passing thru its area, and there u go.....
uh heres an example as well as i can break it down
Man action ["eject", Vehicle Man]
"man" is the unit you would like to eject from whatever is carrying it, it's a bit tedious and there is probably an easier way i don't know about cuz i'm a noob, but this works for me- hope it helps....if you're still unclear give me a hint of whats buggin ya an i'll see if i can help....and if you find an easier way, share the wealth.