Hmm.... I've got a nice, shiny new beta building add-on going on
well.. a couple of them actually...
but I'm down to putting the finishing touches on one in particular and while the little details I've added in to my textures for the final version look crystal clear on my PC, the few people who I have let have a look-see report that my details look very blurry ingame for them....
I thought it might be due to one graphics card being superior to another.. but now that a few more people have seen it .. I think I can safely say that Graphics cards aren't the problem...
I'm not sure if this is something to be corrected in O2 its self
(if it is I apologize for the using the wrong board
or something that has to do with my textures themselves..
or somewhere inbetween..
Any ideas, comments, suggestions... would be greatly appreciated..