Totibbs- Try this just name the officer of the group, grp. Create a chopper and name it to something like Heli then in the helis init field put FlyInHeight 100, then make a move waypoint for the chopper that goes through a trigger that says:
[grp, Heli, 0.5, "ALL"] exec "eject.sqs"
in the init field, just copy and paste this into a script and call it eject.sqs, and also remember to use the moveincargo command to get all the men in the chopper
heres the script
_Egrp = _this select 0
_Object = _this select 1
_freq = _this select 2
_Who = _this select 3
_GrpVektor = Units _Egrp
_numEl = count _GrpVektor
_i = 0
? (_Who == "PLAYER") : Player action["EJECT",_Object]; UnassignVehicle Player; exit
? (_Who == "AI") && ((_GrpVektor select _i) == Player) : _i = _i + 1
? (_i == _numEl) : exit
(_GrpVektor select _i) action["EJECT",_Object]; UnassignVehicle (_GrpVektor select _i)
_i = _i + 1
? (_i < _numEl) : goto "Update"
c ya