Let's pretend your group is named
squad1. Your code would be the following if in a script:
? ("alive _x" count units squad1 < 1) : Do_Something
This code says that if there are fewer than 1 units alive (i.e., 0) in squad1, then do whatever code you specify.
Of course, Sui would interject
that the
count command counts units that are not yet registered as dead by the leader, so you can also use the following code:
? (west countSide units squad1 < 1) : Do_Something
west with the side to which your group belongs. The end result is pretty much the same in this case, though.
This code counts how many units exist on the specified side that are in squad1. If a unit is dead, it does not exist on that side, and thus it will not be counted.
If you are using this code in a trigger, simply remove the
? and the code following the
:, including removing the
:, and place the remaining code in the trigger's Condition field.