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Author Topic: What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios  (Read 53440 times)

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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #345 on: 16 Dec 2002, 17:20:34 »
I think the reason for making different helicopters with different loadouts, is exactely to avoid people to have to type all of that, I think all we want is to be pratical  ;D
Tell me, is it easier to make 1 helicopter, or 5 with different loadouts, and models  ;D
As you know the only way of changing the loadout in an helicopter, is only possible with scripts, there's is no way, you can change loadouts automaticaly.
Also let's say, you want to have 5 different helicopters, all with different loadouts, just look at the amount of things you had to type  ;D
We just want to make things easier and pratical for people to use. If we follow your idea, than we'll have one Delta Soldier only, we'll just change the loadouts for him, depending on what kind of mission we want  ;D
As you know you'll turn your game into a typing machine rather than a pratical and nice game to play  ;)
Also your idea of making a rearm point is possible, but that will change the weapons, not the models, which means that for example, you'll have an Hellfire firing a Machinegun  ;D
In BAS we bet mainely in realism, which means that you'll have exactely the right models for the right weapons. And if we make it as we make, is because we've already thought on everything being the you the first one,the player  ;)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #346 on: 16 Dec 2002, 18:37:33 »
thankyou Skaven, that is exactly the problem...

each different loadout requires a different model, and as each *.p3d file runs to about 1.5 mb, you can see how having more and more loadouts will increase the pack size. So for the efforts of balancing gameplay and having mercy on the 56k users we have chosen the best variations of loadouts, depending on the mission specialisation.

For that reason we will not be adding more models to the pack.

And Dkraver - although that is a good idea, as Skaven said, that will only change the weapon and not the model, so how unrealistic will that be...  :-\ think about it...


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #347 on: 16 Dec 2002, 19:03:35 »
Well it wouldnt really be that much typing, but ok your are the ones making them. And also there's a big difference between one chopper and a platoon of men. Also i would think that its possible to change the weapon model ingame. Example look at the HK pack there are weapons with multiple kind of mags. Another one is the panzerfaust from BW mod it have different kinds of ammo with differnt forms/looks. and another one if you start with a m16 you can change to a ak that also a weapons change  :) . Only problem that would prevent this is that you propebly wouldnt be able to have stinger and hellfires at the same time because of the animation.
In BAS we bet mainely in realism, which means that you'll have exactely the right models for the right weapons. And if we make it as we make, is because we've already thought on everything being the you the first one,the player  
Hmmm what do you think is a more realistic loadout for a scout chopper.
4 hellfires
2 hellfires + FFAR
4 stingers
2 stingers + FFAR
50Cal + FFAR
or this
50Cal + FFAR
50Cal + 2 Hellfires
50Cal + 2 Stingers
4 Hellfires
Believe me or not. I visited the american base in tuzla when i where in bosnia. From one of the entrances into the base theres is/where about 20+ helipads with Kiowa warriors and apaches (if you been there you know which entrance im talking about, and feel free to agree with me  :) ) I would say 40% of them had 50 Cal + FFAR and another 40% had 50 Cal + 2 hellfires, last 20% was a mix of other configurations but mostly 2 x FFAR and 4 Hellfires. In all i would think i saw around 50-60 KW in six months which the above % is made from. So maybe your point on what would be a realistic load is, isnt that realistic and well thought about ;) :P


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #348 on: 16 Dec 2002, 21:04:16 »
Mmmmmmmmm, kiowa's!

Give me more pics of the other planned releases



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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #349 on: 16 Dec 2002, 21:38:58 »
No pic's yet we want to get them perfect, so we are concentrating on doing that...

Dkraver - it is not possible to realistically change the weapon models in that way - trust me, if it was possible we would have done it...

all you can do is change what weapon appears in place of the proxy - e.g. Sole's human missile addon. and if you did something similar with guns you would not be able to fire it, as it would be a seperate vehicle...

The way the Lostbrothers have their different magazine models, is via special models which replace the standard one when you change mags...

other than that it IS NOT POSSIBLE
« Last Edit: 16 Dec 2002, 21:47:31 by DeadMeatXM2 »


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #350 on: 17 Dec 2002, 01:51:27 »
ok  :(
But you should still consider making other weapon loadouts. The ones you have at this point is the mostly the less used combo's.
over and out  :)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #351 on: 17 Dec 2002, 05:29:20 »
so how are those blackhawks going?


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #352 on: 17 Dec 2002, 05:37:49 »
The Blackhawks are going to be released before xmas  ;)
But what I wan't to know is is the rappeling script included ???
And than is it in the pbo file for easy use ???
If you say it is impossible to put the script file into the pbo go and ask Col Klink it is possible  ;)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #353 on: 17 Dec 2002, 16:05:26 »
yes, hopefully the Blackhawks will be released at Xmas. No Promise on the rappel script tho, wait and see


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #354 on: 17 Dec 2002, 16:06:14 »
ok  :(
But you should still consider making other weapon loadouts. The ones you have at this point is the mostly the less used combo's.
over and out  :)

we will make the other loadouts we didnt make yet but not on this version of the addon, this will be version #1 and when we got time we will make version #2 but atm im working on smething else so no time yet


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #355 on: 17 Dec 2002, 19:21:02 »
BAS & SEB Team ROCKS  ;)
Best Addons comes from these guys 8)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #356 on: 17 Dec 2002, 20:18:53 »
2/3 of the SEB team are on ballistics :)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #357 on: 17 Dec 2002, 23:33:33 »
why not join! and become the almighty:


Almost like Sea Bass....you could name yourself after a fish!!!



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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #358 on: 19 Dec 2002, 01:45:34 »
Sea Bass? i'll tempered Sea Bass I hope  ;)


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Re:What's up with Ballistic Addon Studios
« Reply #359 on: 19 Dec 2002, 09:16:01 »
I really don't see any value in continuing this thread...or perhaps I'm just in a bad mood....either way.....

sayonara BAS thread. Timne to make specific threads about projects instead of wading through a 24 page thread to find bits and pieces all over the place.