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Author Topic: Binerize (please move if need be)  (Read 1946 times)

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Binerize (please move if need be)
« on: 18 Dec 2002, 20:15:32 »
Okay I have searched high and low for an answer but have been unsuccessful.

I am trying to figure out:
1. How to use Binerize from BIS
2.What to Binerize, .pbo's? .p3d's, .cpp's? I have no clue.
3. What is it for?

I don't even know what section to put this post in because I have no idea what Binerize does. If anyone can answer these questions for me I would like to add it to the FAQ section as well.

Binerize may hold the answer for solving a Wrpedit problem I have been having.


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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #1 on: 19 Dec 2002, 20:53:59 »
Okay I have searched high and low

I somehow doubt that.. :)
Am no expert in the matter, but after searching for "binarize" on this forum, it looks to me like binarizing can help making addons for Resistance, reduces their size, fixes the muzzle-flash bug, helps with WRPEdit, prevents others from fiddling with your model (and that really pisses some people :)), etc..
The readme packed with the tool is pretty clear.
Also, it looks like Colonel_Klink made a gui for easier use.



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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #2 on: 19 Dec 2002, 22:13:31 »
"Operation Flashpoint Binarize - Readme

Copyright (c) 2002 Bohemia Interactive Studio. All rights reserved.

You can use this tool to optimize your Operation Flashpoint addons.

- unzip binarize files to any directory. (E.g. "C:\binarize")

- copy your addon folder to the same directory (E.g. "C:\binarize\Myaddon")

- run bin.bat with the addon directory name as parameter (E.g. "bin myaddon")

- binarized version of the addon will be in opt directory (E.g. "C:\binarize\Opt\Myaddon")

- if you use any textures from the original Data and Data3d folders, both directories must be present in your working folder (E.g. "C:\binarize\data")

You have to create proper CfgModels section in your addon config file. Binarized addons should work properly in both 1.46 and 1.75 versions."

So what do I binerize a .pbo or .p3d? Pretty brief readme.


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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #3 on: 20 Dec 2002, 05:19:42 »
Okay I managed to get Col. Klinks BinarizeIT and tried it but no luck. I have tried .pbo's, unstuffed folders, .config files, .p3d files, .paa/.pac files, wrp files with it and I either get the following results:
- An exact copy of the config file in the opt file folder
- Run Time error '5"
- A microsoft error report screne
- an empty opt folder

I set up BinerizeIT in the same folder as Binarize according to the instructions. Am I missing something? Am i doing something wrong?


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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #4 on: 20 Dec 2002, 14:28:49 »
If you're getting errors, you'd probably  be better off without the colonel's gui for the moment. Just to make sure you're only getting errors from binarize. Use the command line..
I just did, and it worked. You're supposed to binarize uncompressed folders. The .p3ds turned ODOL, and they got a lot smaller. Nothing happened to the textures as far as i can tell.. Just put your addon folder in the same folder as bin.bat.

Just a wild guess: if i'm not mistaking, runtime error #5 means "File access denied". I would check for permissions, file/folder attributes (read-only), maybe diskspace..

Here's a bin.txt (just change the extension to .bat if you want to run it) commented by myself. You might want to remove "@echo off" .



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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #5 on: 20 Dec 2002, 17:07:56 »
Okay I will try this as well.

Offline jojimbo

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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #6 on: 29 Dec 2002, 20:12:04 »
make sure you got the updated version of binarize.
if in doubt dl it again.
unzip into unzipped
move the binarize folder from unzipped to C:
place Klinks binarizeit.exe into binarize.

move your addon folder into binarize
select it with klinks exe
and "binarize that addon"

in opt you should have an odol format of your
addon essential for wrpedit,copy protection,and optimization.


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Re:Binerize (please move if need be)
« Reply #7 on: 30 Dec 2002, 00:06:55 »
I'll give that a try as well. I was getting poor unpredictable results the other day so I gave up. I think I'll just re download everything and give it another whirl.