I had the same problem as u. I needed to have to units facing each other during a cutscene.... The problem: one of them was the player...
I found the solution having two 'gamelogic' at the map position where i needed both units to face eachother. The gamelogics must have opposite directions, i dare say they must be facing eachother. Then I had a script where the units position and direction are the same as the gamelogics...:
Unit1 setpos LOGIC1
player setpos LOGIC2
UNIT1 setdir LOGIC1
player setdir LOGIC2
Remember that both logics shouldn't be too far or too close from eachother!
To increase the probability of having bothunits facing eachother, have the following:
Unit1 setunitpos "up"
Unit1 setbehaviour "careless
(you don't need to have the player set to these options)
If you still have doubts, message me and i'll give you a mission with the example...