1. In the On Avtivation line of your first trigger, add a condion, doesn't matter what it is, just something like this.
Nexttrigg = true
Nexttrigg can be pretty much any word you want.
and in the second trigger, put
This and nexttrigg
in the Condition line of the trigger.
This being the settings on the trigger, so if its west present, it wont go off until the first condtion is met, and a west unit is present.
You can also use this to activate a delayed trigger, say you wanted a radio message to come up 5 seconds after you hit the first trigger, you just use a condition, and in the second trigger, set it to something like civilian not present, and 5 in each slot, alter as needed.
Plus you can use as many conditions as you like in a condition line of the trigger.
This and radiocon1 and armor2
and so on
also works
radiocon1 and armor2
you can also use
Not (alive unitname) and Not (alive unitname1) . . .
as for the second, I'm not sure, someone else can help there.