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Author Topic: An Assassin Campaign  (Read 2833 times)

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An Assassin Campaign
« on: 25 Aug 2002, 19:07:49 »
I have thought about this idea for a while...

The player plays as an assassin hired by someone in Nogova to assassinate (duh) various people.  Each mission would be a different target.  The player would always start off by his little house he is renting for his stay on the island and have different means of transportation to get to the target, or get to a place where the target is heading, etc.

Since I believe Resistance allows for campaign-wide variables, the player can have cash, which he can use to buy weapons or vehicles from a dealer near the home town.  As the missions progress in complexity, the selection offered by the dealer widens.  Initial missions may only allow you to buy a cheap car and pistols, while later on you may be able to purchase sniper rifles, explosives, and maybe a Hummer.  Anything you purchase stays with you so long as you bring it back to your home town by the end of the mission.  Again, this is possible through the Weapons Pool feature and campaign-wide variables.

For each mission completed (target killed), the player is awarded money, and if the player really finds a mission too hard, he can just go on to the next, but not get the money.

Each mission would have a very open way to how you can kill the target... You can blow him up with a carbomb, pick him off with a sniper rifle, run him down with your car, or simply run up to him and shoot him with a pistol.  However, the player will have to deal with the police and US soldiers stationed on the island.

Through scripting, the player could walk through the town with a concealed pistol, no problem, but if he is carrying a rifle, the police may not like it so much.  Of course, the player can just hide the rifle in his car until he needs it, no trouble.  This can all be done by placing the player on the East side, and the cops on the Resistance side, and just toggling the player's setCaptive.

An example early mission would be just going to a nearby town where the target is just doing yard work, shooting him with a pistol and escaping before the police or the townspeople react.

A little later in the campain, the target could be moving around from town to town, so you can either set up a car bomb on his car when no one is looking or ambush him on a secluded road.

One of the missions towards the end may have the player assassinating a diplomat visiting the capitol of Lipany who is being protected by a team of bodyguards and snipers.

If you have any interest in this campaign, post here, or PM me.  Maybe if we get a small team we can actually make this thing.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #1 on: 25 Aug 2002, 22:42:52 »
Sounds very cool, and it's all very possible. i would contribute, but I'm involved with another campaign team right now. Some missions could see your hideout discovered and special forces searching for you etc. The campaign sounds great, and would be a good way to make use of the Resistance campaign "tricks" and a good way to make OFP as freeform as possible.

Sounds really cool, and I hope you can find a team and put this idea into practice. ;D


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #2 on: 25 Aug 2002, 23:38:03 »

Radiosilence and I came up with a serial campaign idea called "The Hitman Chronicles" months and months ago, but nothing ever came of it.  Using all this new Resistance gadgetry, I think you can make a hell of a campaign out of this.

I'm working on 2 projects ATM, but should you need any ideas to help you get this moving (background story, political factions, etc...we had this all planned out), just lemme know.

I hope you go ahead with this.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #3 on: 26 Aug 2002, 00:27:12 »
I am fairly skilled at mission design, but the problem is I can never finish a proper mission. I will start, make everything look beautiful, make a briefing, and have most of the scripting done, then just quit and never want to look at it again.

If I was working in a group, maybe it could get done.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #4 on: 26 Aug 2002, 00:32:21 »
The scripting involved would be a serious pain, however, having to determine when the player is holding a gun, if anyone saw him kill someone, and so on. It would be silly if you were walking down the street and for no reason the police jeep pulled up and gunned you down. Just as bad is being able to shoot someone in a crowd and have no one care.  


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #5 on: 26 Aug 2002, 01:07:06 »
just use that Knows about command.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #6 on: 26 Aug 2002, 01:09:50 »
just use that Knows about command.

I know the commands to do it are there, but writing a bug-free script that takes care of every imaginable situation would be necessary.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #7 on: 26 Aug 2002, 02:09:39 »
sounds bloody fantastic mate
i was thinking it would be really cool to be able to hire mercenaries for when you need that little bit of extra help.
or if you really felt like it you could just make a campaign where your a big merc group, up for hire and you get hired out to kill people or capture/kidnapp, maybe u have to bomb somewhere or maybe you've been hired as bodygaurds, which would be a nice turn around for the player. Either way, it'd still be cool to be an assasin



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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #8 on: 26 Aug 2002, 03:29:21 »
After a lot of mistakes and pointless posting I combined 2 very simple (why did it take me so long!) scripts that combine to provide a concealed weapon option.  Very good for such missions if combined with the knowsabout command - ie spotted with a weapon.  Check out the thread that I didn't start in the adv-editing section.

Hope that helps (if you didn't already think of it!)



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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #9 on: 26 Aug 2002, 03:49:55 »
I thought about using a script like that, but I would probably run into problems with dealing with the player's inventory, since he will not have a set weapon.  I may be forced to use a script like that if nothing else works, so in that case, thanks!  ;D

Meanwhile, is there any way to determine whether a player has a pistol in hand or not? With long rifles it should not be a problem, because it does not matter if you are carrying it on your back or in your hands, it looks suspicious.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #10 on: 26 Aug 2002, 14:17:11 »
This is the same problem that others had come across and with no luck - hence the script that actually gets rid of the weapon.  I can't see it having too much of an affect on the inventory so long as there aren't any other pistols around, or if there are they are of the same type.  You could even set the script with parameters so that if the assassin swaps his gun it removes the current conceal action and replaces it with one for the new gun.

All you have to do is create a trigger for each type of pistol in the mission and set your script parameters so something like...

... [weaponname] exec "conceal.sqs"....

Which could remove the beretta conceal action and add a glock one (or whatever).

This just takes a little fiddling of the script parameters or even just duplicating the scripts.

Of course if you do lose a weapon mid-game this shows on your gear screen on the map.

Also I see your other problem would be the campaign inventory - i.e. finish the mssion with your weapon concealed and you've lost it!

For this you would have to create a variable that is check when the conceal/reveal scripts are activated (in the scrpits themselves) that determine the actual difference between when you've chosen to conceal the weapon as opposed to dropped it or exchanged it.

This is possible but requires quite a bit of thought.

In the end you may be left with a lot of scripting, triggers and variables that may slow the game.  Then again OFP was not designed for this style in mind so I suppose you've just got to expect it!


Offline Mitrokhin

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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #11 on: 27 Aug 2002, 18:41:55 »
Hey i'll help if that's fine with you what do you want me to do??
cyberpunk ;D


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #12 on: 30 Aug 2002, 16:01:13 »
I'll help out.  This campaign sounds like it'll be better than a David Hasslehoff album.  ;)


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #13 on: 30 Aug 2002, 17:55:01 »
The thing is, I am not coordinated enough to lead a project like this.  At most, I could make some missions for it.  If anyone would like to take on to lead this project, be my guest, and I should be able to help out.

Sorry if my posts made it seem as if I could do something like that.


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Re:An Assassin Campaign
« Reply #14 on: 19 Nov 2003, 23:13:48 »
I would have a go at leading it.... I WANT TO PLAY THIS CAMPAIN!!!!!!

- Ben