Hi all
Im having a problem ending the mission when my player reaches a set
waypoint, basically heres whats happening
I have 3 objectives
objective 1: eliminate a group at a waypoint (group name is PLF_1)
i have a trigger around the village the group occupies.
east not present
the condition of the trigger is : (count PLF_1) == 0
activation is OBJ1 = TRUE; "OBJ_1" ObjStatus "DONE"
type: switch
my next trigger is set in another village, its pretty much the same as the
first trigger
east not present
the condition of the trigger is : (count PLF_2) == 0
activation is OBJ2 = TRUE; "OBJ_2" ObjStatus "DONE"
type: switch
and one last trigger back at the start point with the condition :OBJ1 &&
on activation : "OBJ_3" ObjStatus "DONE"
type is end #1
ok, the problem is, i want the final trigger to activate when my player
returns to the start point but this does not work, i can eliminate the group
at the first village fine, 'objective completed' pops up and the next
waypoint is activated, i then go to the second village and eliminate the
second group, at this point it says 'objective completed' again then
straight after i hear the objective completed 'pinging' noise as the third
trigger is activated.
i dont want the last trigger activate untill my player walks into the
trigger area ,which is a small ellipse around the last waypoint
ive tried grouping the trigger to the player, and all sorts of crazy
combinates of east not present, west present but nothing works and its
becoming very frustrating
another issue i have to keep in mind for this last trigger, is friend units
who may walk through the last trigger at the start point at any time, as the
end mission trigger is in the middle of a friendly base that has a unit of
friendly soldiers and a couple of pilots, vehicles etc floating around.
anyone else had this problem? or got any advice on how to fix it
Ashley Etchell