hey guys, would this work???
Create a gamelogic called "server". Then make this script:
;this part runs only on server
?!(local server): goto "setfog"
fogLevel = random 1
publicVariable "fogLevel"
;this runs on all computers
;wait for public variable to propagate
@(fogLevel != objnull)
setFog fogLevel
what i did was remove the first foglevel, thus there is no client side fog level. it should be nothing (objnull)
it runs as normal, the server randomly selects a numer, and sets it as a public variable. but will the @(foglevel != objnull)
actually be recognized as a valid command??
up until then, foglevel is a non existent number, so there fore it should be nothing. thsu, it waits untill oglevel is not equal to nuthing, this occurs when the public variable is transmitted. hmm, someone help?