Hmmm.. well try this. No money back guarentee though, its been a while since i last did it
North to South runway
ilsPosition[]={X co-ordinate, Y-co-ordinate, Z co-ordinate};
To find these, you need to find out the co-ordinates of the point at the Southern end of the runway where you want the AI to aim at when landing.
Think you can get a script something like this
Hint (getpos Player);
goto "loop"
This should display your position and update about every 2 seconds
ilsTaxiIn[]={X co-ordinate1, Y co-ordinate1, Z co-ordinate1, X co-ordinate2, Y co-ordinate2, Z co-ordinate2, ...... X co-ordinate#, Y co-ordinate#, Z co-ordinate#};
Same kinda thing as ilsPosition, except you can define as many Taxi waypoints as you want. Note: Aircraft go in straight lines, so to get a realistic turn, use a few waypoints per corner.
Same for ilsTaxiOff
If i remember rightly I think ilsTaxiIn is for after landing, and ilsTaxiOff is for going to take off
Try it, might work
But hopefully someone will post up the proper tutorial for ya