James Respond, oy?!
1. try the
UnitName HasWeapon "cz75" -spell and see if it'll do ya, m8
(use whatever weapon name, 'course)
Just start unarmed and make a custom userAction (addAction) : "Gun in hand" or alike...
Then a trigger can be set to fire when the action is used
2. setCaptive/false to activate when the above mentioned trigger fires.
(so just throw the spell in the "On Activation" field of the trigger, right?!
...or add some serious sh|t ratings to yer character when ya kill somebody;
UnitName AddRating -10000
ClearMagazineCargo This ...should do. Put it in the INIT of an ammo crate.
dunno man... try it for size, hopefully it will do.
oh, and the addAction stuff.... goes like this :
Bondage = James AddAction ["Gun in Hand", "Bondage.sqs"]
...and then the scroll (or script) should read som'n like :
James AddMagazine cz75; (repeated 4 times); James AddWeapon "cz75"
aah well, a few more details could be added here but I'm running outta time now :-\
Good old 'Cope' is awating - its friday today, yanno
xMas brew, heavy metal, girls & all that ;D