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Author Topic: req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req  (Read 9821 times)

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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #30 on: 25 Jan 2003, 15:19:50 »
Yes!! I finally managed to cut the appropriate size of the map using 3dem ;D But I have a problem. When I import the DEM into WRP Edit, it is almost flat and I have to rescale it. By what factor should I rescale it to get the real-life proportions? I thought about choosing two peaks for calibration, but that probably doesn't give precise results. Any clues? ???


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #31 on: 27 Jan 2003, 02:55:07 »
This unfortunatly is where my fisrt tutorial comes in which I haven't redone yet for the ofpec tuts. But a quick explanation on how i would do it is open the full size DEM in MicroDEM - freeware program on the net and subset by using the utm coordinates. They are in meters. Choose your corners so that the area in the subset is 12800 x 12800 meters in size. Then use the resample tool in Microdem to turn the 30 meter spacing into 50meter spacing grid. Take this dem and open in Wilbur. Output as a lat/long file. delete your northing and easting coordinate columns in a spreadsheet program such as excel. Import into WrpEdit as a "Z" only file.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to work on it but i forgot it was Super Bowl weekend.

Offline Planck

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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #32 on: 27 Jan 2003, 04:04:30 »
If you already have your DEM cut to the correct size (12800 meters X 12800 meters) at 50m resolution there is another way to do this.

Convert your DEM to a terragen file and load it into Wilbur.
Then convert to a Lon/Lat Text Mesh (txt) file for WrpEdit.

The whole procedure is covered in a tutorial I have just recently submitted to this site and can be found here:


The file is DEM-WrpEdit Tutorial.

Hope this is of some help.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #33 on: 03 Feb 2003, 05:49:51 »
I was just wanting to know how the development of the map is going?


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #34 on: 04 Feb 2003, 14:28:57 »
I'm currently constructing road network. It's going kinda slow as I'm trying to fix all the seams. Boring job, but  somebody has to do it ;D I'll probably post some screenshots today.

Edit: I added a small roadmap of the surrounding area.
« Last Edit: 04 Feb 2003, 14:43:32 by GeneralRatko »


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #35 on: 04 Feb 2003, 18:18:52 »
Oh boy does that bring back some memories :D the routes shown are route sparrow that leads from Tuzla to Zvorink and Route hawk that leads Caparde from to Sekovici (which was renamed in my platton to BranumsVille because of all the pretty women there  ;) ) Route swallow Runs from Zvornick to Serbanisa. My base was between both Kalesija and Memici. Oh yeah you may not know about the Memici Market that was created about 1/2 klick out of Memici for trading along the Bosnian Serbian border :P

Have fun doing it :D


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #36 on: 12 Feb 2003, 17:46:27 »
any updates?


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #37 on: 12 Feb 2003, 20:22:05 »
Well, I'm afraid I didn't have much time to spend on the map lately. Also, I discovered that the roads are really pretty painful to place :P They look perfect in editor but in game there are always some seams that force me to 'recalibrate' entire route ::) So that will probably take a long time. Unless the new version of WrpUtils is finished soon (see the road maker topic) so I don't have to do all this work manually ;)
I was thinking of designing the map cell by cell - i.e. first making the A0 cell, then A1, A2, ... , A9, then B0, B1 and so on. That way I could have some reference to the percentage of completed terrain :)

P.S.: The screenshots would be boring as hell, as there is nothing on the map yet, except hills and some roads ;D You can expect the first screens when the first cell is completed.


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #38 on: 12 Feb 2003, 21:59:39 »
Here is a map of the terrain and a 3D projection of the area around Zvornik :) I also wrote names of some places, the river Drina and the border between Bosnia (this part is now called Republic of Srpska) and Serbia.



P.S.: That strange curve in the bottom right corner needs fixing. It wasn't mapped by the sattelite - probably due to cloud cover (probably) - but it will be no problem to fix it manually as it is a relatively small area.
« Last Edit: 12 Feb 2003, 22:03:16 by GeneralRatko »


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #39 on: 12 Feb 2003, 22:04:01 »
 ???Could anyone tell me how to process SDTS into a readable DEM, the DEM-WrpEditTut walks through step after the DEM has been processed in MicroDEM but does not explain the first process.

Please point me in the right direction.

Also any DEM sources for Kosovo (specifically MNB-East AO).

Offline Planck

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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #40 on: 12 Feb 2003, 23:02:25 »
Gren did a tutorial describing how to prepare your DEM in Microdem.

I have no idea where you might find it now as Grens site is no longer available.

Not 100% sure, but I think he might be re-writing it.

Maybe Gren can enlighten us.   8)

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #41 on: 13 Feb 2003, 01:14:29 »
I use the program 3dem for cutting a smaller area out of the DEM. It has an option  to save the area as a terragen file. From then on you can just download the 'terragen to wrpedit' tutorial from ofpec and that's it :) I hope that helps.

A link to some info about 3dem and a demo (you can do everything with the demo, too):


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #42 on: 13 Feb 2003, 05:04:03 »
thanks for the help, i want to try to build a vitual sandtable of the mnb-e in ofp for the upcoming deployment (basically killing time)


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #43 on: 16 Feb 2003, 10:16:26 »
I'll cetainly download this when complete.

Wasn't Ratko something-or-other a war criminal? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else?


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #44 on: 18 Feb 2003, 06:14:09 »
There was Radovan Karadzic, and  Ratko Mladic both where on the lists for capture, but thanks to Clinton we (SFOR american) wasnt allowed to go out and find the F**kers :( I wanted their heads when I heard of what he did. But we never ran across them but We were looking for them.
« Last Edit: 18 Feb 2003, 06:20:40 by Bosniarat »