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Author Topic: req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req  (Read 9820 times)

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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #15 on: 17 Jan 2003, 13:22:15 »
Great! I'm happy that something is moving in the Balcans too! :) Im from Slovenia (another Ex-YU republic) and I wonder if you could help me get some DEMs - cause I realy cant find them on that page! Anyone?

(BTW: I would need the coastline DEM!) ;D



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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #16 on: 17 Jan 2003, 17:57:14 »
FlipeR - I just submitted a tutorial to OFPEC on how to acquire DEMS through ASTER. If your area is covered in green in the map link from above showing the globe then you're in luck. If not, then you'll have to wait till that area gets mapped. There is an on-line demand process but last I looked it took close to over a year before data would be returned and I'm not sure yet if that policy is changed and still available to the public.

General - I'll see about making this particular DEM from the example available for download tonight. It is however close to 40megs and you'll need to subset and resample in MicroDEM as previously stated.

I find the DEM work the easiest part - actually populating the terrain with objects is the real art work.  :)


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #17 on: 17 Jan 2003, 18:48:20 »
I'll see about making this particular DEM from the example available for download tonight. It is however close to 40megs and you'll need to subset and resample in MicroDEM as previously stated.

I find the DEM work the easiest part - actually populating the terrain with objects is the real art work.  :)

That will be great! :) The size is not a problem as I have ADSL.
I just hope I'll be able to make it look as realistic as possible. Maybe I'll even design a mosque in Oxygen. I know it will be a lot of work, but I have good stamina :) And I intend to make a campaign on that map also.

Great! I'm happy that something is moving in the Balcans too! :) Im from Slovenia (another Ex-YU republic) and I wonder if you could help me get some DEMs - cause I realy cant find them on that page! Anyone?

(BTW: I would need the coastline DEM!) ;D

FlipeR, I'm also from Slovenia :D
Lahko bomo skupaj naredili kaksno mapo obale. Z enim kolegom že itak nacrtujeva, da bova sestavila del hrvaske obale (Barbariga, ce poznas, med Rovinjem in Pulo) :)


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #18 on: 18 Jan 2003, 00:35:47 »
Apologies, upload will have to wait till Monday. I left the file on another computer.


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #19 on: 18 Jan 2003, 01:32:11 »
If you could, when you make Zornik, remeber that they had the castle on the hill as well as Castle structures around the city. as well as that tunnel that is in between Zornik and Bratunac. I wish i had the pictures that i took of that place but they kind of got lost when i shipped them back to the US.

This might help a little


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #20 on: 18 Jan 2003, 03:04:53 »
If you could, when you make Zornik, remeber that they had the castle on the hill as well as Castle structures around the city. as well as that tunnel that is in between Zornik and Bratunac. I wish i had the pictures that i took of that place but they kind of got lost when i shipped them back to the US.

This might help a little

Thanks for the info :) Yes, I think the castle was an outpost of muslim rebels. The resistance castle ruins will probably do the job :D I never heard about the tunnel, though. How long was it? Unfortunately WRP Edit doesn't support making tunnels. :( The only way I could make one would be using the oxygen to make a model of it and then import it as a building. I remember some time ago that somebody was making a tunnel addon. It looked great but it was never released.
Sorry to hear about your photos :(


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #21 on: 18 Jan 2003, 23:41:05 »
The Tunnel was on the South side of the City heading towards some kind of hotel overlooking the Lake near Zvornik. the tunnel was about 200 to 300 meters long I think. It always sucked going though it in the Gunners Turrent because the cars eshaust would be in your face  :-X it could make you sick beening up there :P But is there a way to make the dam that is in Zvornik?


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #22 on: 19 Jan 2003, 00:08:21 »
Any news about the tutorial Grenadier? Or couldnt you just help me get the right DEM?! Slovenia is the most northern of the Ex-YU countrys! ;D



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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #23 on: 19 Jan 2003, 03:08:54 »
The tutorial is in the pending section of submittals for tutorials at this site. http://www.ofpec.com/publicfiles/files/tutorials/using_aster_dems_for_ofp.htm but it may move from here if it is accepted.

Let me know if it is clear and precise or needs a clarification. If it's over your head we'll work on getting that data together if needed.

I still enjoy those quality m4's of yours. TY

« Last Edit: 19 Jan 2003, 03:20:56 by Grenadier »


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #24 on: 19 Jan 2003, 12:57:17 »
TNX Grenadier! I'll read it trough and try to obtain the data - if anything goes wrong I'll be right back ;)

And yeah, I also enjoy my M4A1s ;D



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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #25 on: 20 Jan 2003, 17:46:19 »
The Tunnel was on the South side of the City heading towards some kind of hotel overlooking the Lake near Zvornik. the tunnel was about 200 to 300 meters long I think. It always sucked going though it in the Gunners Turrent because the cars eshaust would be in your face  :-X it could make you sick beening up there :P But is there a way to make the dam that is in Zvornik?

Cool, I'll try to design the tunnel :) The dam probably won't be a problem, only the water level will be the same on both sides. Unless there's a way to have different water levels on different parts of the map ???

The tutorial is in the pending section of submittals for tutorials at this site. http://www.ofpec.com/publicfiles/files/tutorials/using_aster_dems_for_ofp.htm but it may move from here if it is accepted.

That's a very good tutorial :) I tried to obtain some maps from it and it worked! I had some problems with setting the appropriate size for the map (256x256) because Terragen has the resize function in a weird place :P Anyway, the imported map resembles real terrain quite nicely. You can actually identify certain landmarks if you are familiar with the place :o But since the resolution is 30m x 30m, there are some landmarks that don't show up on the map, such as a couple of small islands. By small I mean smaller than 30 x 30 meters ;D But these can be easilly added later manually.
In any case, thanks for the tutorial :) I believe it's quite a big contribution to the editing community, as many people now have the knowledge to do some seriously realistic maps. 8)


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #26 on: 20 Jan 2003, 18:20:18 »
Sounds Great Now we just need some one to build a decent Hummer with a machine gun (ie the XM 1114s that i used over there :D) Are you going to make some new Houses or just stick with the BIS ones?


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #27 on: 20 Jan 2003, 19:55:43 »
Sounds Great Now we just need some one to build a decent Hummer with a machine gun (ie the XM 1114s that i used over there :D) Are you going to make some new Houses or just stick with the BIS ones?

I saw a nice desert hummer addon in three different types (M2, M60 and TOW) some time ago, made by QuakeGamer (if I recall correctly). It was really good, but it didn't include woodland camo :(

I will probably make a mosque and a dam wall. But I'm not planning to do other buildings as architecture in Bosnia is similar to that in OFP. Maybe I will retexture the signs on houses so that they will be in the correct language.


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #28 on: 22 Jan 2003, 01:03:06 »
Apologies for the late download but the Bosnia town DEM I made in the tut is HERE http://www.badkompany.com/Zdem.zip at about 4 megs zipped, 40 unzipped.

As far as the size I'm hoping you have realized and that others will too that the entire area in one DEM is 60kmx60km in 30m spacing and an OFP map is 12.8kmx12.8km in 50m spacing hence the need to subset and resample in MicroDEM, Terragen, Wilbur, etc. If you don't the area will look the same but will be approximatly 1/21th the size it actually is in real life compared to what its size should be in ofp. I'll get my 1st tutorial submitted soon which covers this.


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Re:req Bosnia-Hertzogovina map req
« Reply #29 on: 22 Jan 2003, 12:43:09 »
Great! :) I'll start working on it right away!