I've set AI M2 gunners as a test. And a M60 guy.
Set up empty game logic, an empty tank, and an empty chopper--
Named them all (A1 = gunner, T1/2/3 = objects) and set "a1 dofire Tx (either 1, 2, or 3)" and previewed.
Nothing. The gunner just swivels towards whichever target I made him look at, but does not fire. I've also tried (in the init) "a1 dotarget Tx" then the doFire, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Tried making a trigger doing the same thing, no response. I'm not quite sure what's wrong, or if I'm doing something incorrectly... this is with the 1.90 resistance patch.
I'm trying to make a mission with simulated anti aircraft fire (binding a gamelogic, looping their pos to get them to stay in the air and just outside a chopper or C130; and having specific ground units target the game logics)...