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Author Topic: reveiwing?  (Read 1759 times)

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« on: 25 Nov 2002, 16:36:07 »
any missions getting reviewed?


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« Reply #1 on: 26 Nov 2002, 14:23:41 »
well i see missions from august... its not going to take that long to get my mission reviewed is it? 4-6 months?


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« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2002, 12:34:58 »

Don't they get better with age?

As their are only a few reviewers on staff and no body else has bothered to submit test reviews and join our team then you will just have to wait I'm afraid.  But it shouldn't be 4 or so months.



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« Reply #3 on: 29 Nov 2002, 01:26:26 »
lol.... thats cool and all, just wondering. didnt know how many reviewers there were...id do it, but i dont want 10000 addons on my machine. all i have is the nam pack and thats all i want ;) or need :D..... if u needed some1 for non-addon missions i could do it... maybe if u have addon reviewers and non-adon reviewers..... just a thought


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« Reply #4 on: 29 Nov 2002, 09:16:01 »


You mean the "I'll do all the easy ones..." type of reviewer.  ;)

Reviewers are players that are willing to go that extra mile and then get abused for it.



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« Reply #5 on: 29 Nov 2002, 11:42:16 »
I think there are some people who want to be reviewers, but they can't for different reasons. Take me for example:
I'd apply for reviewer but:
-56k modem (I'll get ADSL in a few days so that is no trouble anymore)
-lack time (1/3d of the year I'm off home and I have no valuable computer there)
-lack experience (most important, since my own missions are big crap)
So, there's always an excuse not to apply.

But there's no trouble in waiting...patience is a vertue. ;)


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« Reply #6 on: 30 Nov 2002, 14:01:16 »
whatever, like i said , just a thought.