First, let me say Great Addon Pack!
I really like the work you've done so far!
Unfortunately, I too have the lock problem with this addon pack.. It's on my beta mission
Killing Fields (on these forums) and several other people have had the problem... (It does have a lot of enemies and stuff going on, but my comp and others should be able to handle it easily)
I'm using Win98 still so I don't think I can get an error report.. (right?)
So.. here's my comp specs if it helps cause I really like this addon pack!
AMD Thoroughbread 1.7 Ghz
Xtasy 64 MB DDR GeForce4 Mx 440 4 x AGP Graphics card (that's a long name)
Phillips Acoustic Edge Soundcard
Western Digitial 7200 RPM Hard Drive
And other pretty good stuff...
Not sure if it helps, but we can try right? ;D