Time to show some work in prgress..
www.spunge.org/~ntib/TCP_TestDog.zip (184 Kb)
It has a minimal set of animations: stand, trot, gallop, bark, bark x 3, die.
None of the animations is final, and some of them (e.g. trot) are really just blocked out. Barking animations suck..
Anyway, please take it for a spin, tell me what you think..
Also, if you would like to see this addon completed faster, you could help make it. I have a full time and a part time job, plus some other stuff on my head, so i really have very little time for OFP (i regularly neglect my "serious" work to tinker with OFP
- the dog cannot strafe, nor walk backwards.
- slopes are a problem
- to make him bark, try: [name of the dog] playMove "EffectStandTalk" or "Bark3x"
- to view death animation, just kill him
- .p3d and config are a bit of a mess, don't mind that
that's about it..