I'm playing ofp for over a year now and this is the first time i really have a problem.
A short time ago i wanted to have a song in Ofp for in one of my missions. There for i needed to download a ogg driver and put it in my windows/system map. I did this but due to other things i didn't play ofp for over 2 weeks. Three days ago I wanted to start up ofp again and now it gives me the error that it fails reading a file named mrl02.ogg. I don't know exactly but this might be that file. Now I can't find it any more in my system directory to delete it. Does anyone know how it's called? Does anyone had the same problem and what was his solution to this? I hope to hear something soon from you.
E-mail me at Mike_bos343@hotmail.com or post a reply/
thnx already.