hey there Punker. Usually people don't reply to these kinds of questions since "THEY" think it is "BASIC"...... But as there is such a kind of people, there are also nice generous people who helps..... like me, Select This, breseb, and countless others. I used to ask a lot of questions to, most not answered.
Well you first question is, how to add a pistol proxy. Well first of all do you have any addon which uses custom model and has a hand gun proxy? If you have, UnPbo that addon and get that soldier model. Open it up in the oxygen. Next go to the selection window (the 2nd window from the top in the right hand corner I believe) now, look for a proxy called "proxy:beretta.01" than "ctrl+C" copy it and paste that selection to your custom soldiers model. Got it? Well, I'll attach a zip. Just open it and copy "ALL" the selection and paste it in "your" models selection field. Got it? I hope you did.
The sky and green ground thing is quite complicating... I was lost for a couple of weeks.
First go to "file" then go to "options" now the "Config" field will pop up. Where you see External Viewer in the top. Click on it and in the buttom, where the "Value" is, just type in "C:\o2_viewer\buldozer.exe -noland -dx -window" "IF" you hae your o2_viewer folder located "DIRECTLY" in the "C" Drive.
Next, in the DLL Folder, click on it, go to the Value in the bottom again and type in "C:\o2light" Again, "IF" you have you o2light folder located "DIRECTLY" in the "C" Drive.
And,,, that's it.