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Author Topic: Now what about this?  (Read 1255 times)

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Now what about this?
« on: 05 Jan 2003, 11:23:48 »
What about a tutorial helping ppl upgrade addons which are version 1.46 to 1.9 ? I have a whole load of dl units which don't look right (gun flashes), but no where can I find how to change this for the latest version  :'(  It's extremely upsetting, and I may just kill myself beforee the day is out....

Also what about some British Army Vehicles? I was glancing down the vehicles addons, and they all seem to be boats/choppers/planes - how about some new vehicles? I'm porbably asking a really impossible thing, but I just walk into these things so plz don't be too harsh  :)


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Re:Now what about this?
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jan 2003, 21:31:33 »
Here's the fix for your muzzle flash problems....

 found it after a short search of the addon:editing board ;)
The famous muzzle flash bug is easy to fix, though you must have OFP: Resistance to do it. Here's how it goes:

1. DePBO your favourite muzzle flash bug weapon addon
2. open the config.cpp with notepad
3. put these lines to it

class CfgModels
class Default{};
class Weapon: Default{};
class name-of-the-weapon-model: Weapon{};

name-of-the-weapon-model is the name of the p3d-file that came with the addon, so it must be exact! So if you have p3d which name is AKS74.p3d the new line in the config looks like this:

class CfgModels
class Default{};
class Weapon: Default{};
class AKS74: Weapon{};

4. After the config.cpp is modified StuffPBO the addon again
5. Place the new *.pbo into Operationflashpoint\\Res\\AddOns -folder

Note that there can't be any symbols in the p3d-name, so if the p3d is like AK101+grenades.p3d the command won't work (at least for me).

hope this helps

 As far as the vehicles go...  I know I have heard of some british vehicles in the works.. none really come to mind at the moment.... but I'm sure they're out there..

 IMO, most of the addons being made are for mods, so take  a look around for some mods that will feature british troops and such, and see what they're up to.. most mods will usually keep you fairly well updated on what they're working on .. or have planned for the future.. ;)

 Or.. grab O2, and some tutes, and get to work ;D
it's tons of fun.. trust me ;)


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Re:Now what about this?
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jan 2003, 20:16:37 »
Cool thx!  ;D ;D ;D

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