Okies.. actions are complicated.. but there are a few tings..
1) to use the sit down action, unit must be in 'safe' mode - ie, with gun on back. You're better off (for sittin down) using a playmove command to force the unit to play a particular animation (of which sit down has about three variants).
You can find a full list of the animations in the Unofficial Command Reference.. check the Ed Depot. Pretty sure it's in there somewhere. It also has weapon names and ammo names for v1.46 (not resistance, unfortunately)
For actions... Most actions use the syntax
unitname action ["actionname", actiontarget]
so, for soldier1 ejecting from heli1, you'd use:
soldier1 action ["EJECT", heli1]
As far as specific lists of actions go.. I don't have one. There is a set of actions in the Unoff Comref, but I haven't used those particular ones and don't actually know if they work or not. Also, u could try "SIT DOWN" instead of "SITDOWN".
Basically, each type of action has it's own syntax for the array of information you feed it. Most only require action type (the string) and action target (the object u execute the action on.. ie, you eject from the heli). Some require a lot more.. and each action could be quite different.
If there's a full list anywhere, I'd like to see it too... ;D
Oh, for sittin down, try this - put a waypoint for da soldier named aCarrier with behaviour "SAFE" or "CARELESS", then in the 'onactivation' field of the waypoint, put
aCarrier playMove "effectstandsitdownver2"
aCarrier will sit down. He will probably get up again pretty soon tho. One way to make him stay there is to use a script. Do this... in the onactivation field of the waypoint, put this..
[aCarrier] exec "sitandstay.sqs"
then make a file called sitandstay.sqs in ur mission directory. It should be:
_unit = _this select 0
_unit playmove "effectstandsitdownver2"
_unit switchmove "effectstandsitdownver2"
goto "loop"
He will sit there till kingdom come. (switchmove is like playmove, but it puts the unit into the new animation without a transition.. ie, if u used it on him when he was standin, he'd go straight to sitting)
hope dat helps