So, just came home and took a look at it.
Looking at the 3d models ingame, I saw that the textures didn't work - I opened the .pbo file and saw that the paths were pointing to a differently named directory. To change texture paths, you can use this program: you want the boxes to contain usable ammo for the M60, I'd add this to the config file, instead of the ones based on targets:
class CfgPatches
class NickWeapons
units[] = {ReammoBoxM60_1,b2,ReammoBoxM60_2};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 1.75;
class CfgVehicles
class All {};
class Static: All {};
class Building: Static {};
class NonStrategic: Building {};
class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {};
class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {};
class Strategic : Building {};
class ReammoBox: Strategic {};
class ReammoBoxWest: ReammoBox {};
class ReammoBoxM60_1: ReammoBoxWest
displayName="Ammo - M60 - 100 Rounds";
model="\ammo us\M60-100rd";
icon="\ammo us\iconoammo";
class TransportMagazines
class ReammoBoxM60_2: ReammoBoxWest
displayName="Ammo - M60 - 200 Rounds";
model="\ammo us\c200rd";
icon="\ammo us\iconoammo";
class TransportMagazines
class bala: TargetGrenade
model="\ammo us\b2";
displayName="ammo M60 bala";
icon="\ammo us\iconoammo";
About the single bullet - sadly it's not possible in OFP to add single bullets to a magazine.
I hope this clears things up a bit and helps, I didn't try out the newer code yet, so maybe the magazines don't work, but if you need any reference for the config files, just download this: