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OFP on new machines

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Has anybody successfully got OFP working on some of the later operating systems?

I recently took to feeling somewhat sentimental about OFP and tried to run it on my new computer.  All my old XP machines have died so I tried installing it on Windows 7 and on the XP emulator provided with Windows 7.  These installations either failed to run or failed to upgrade to 1.96.  I even tried to create a Windows XP disk to dual boot on my iMac but it seems Apple's Boot Camp will not install any Windows version below 7.

Any help will be gratefully received.

Good to the site site is still as active as ever.

Works fine (installation and all) on by win7 (64bit) without any gimmicks :dunno:
Not that my PC hardware is that new, from the 2009-2010 era.

Have you tried using the "new version", Arma: Cold War Assault?
It's nothing fancy, just updates the game up to 1.99 (you need to install some fix patches after that too) and changes all logos and stuff to Arma.

Thanks. I will have a look at that.  I can't at the moment I am doing a full reformat of my possible XP boot disk.  I had forgotten how long these things took.

I feel sure I tried to install OFP on Win 7, I will try that again.  If you had no problem with Win 7 (64bit) then I would not expect my hardware to be a problem, though it is a Mac.

The Arma:Cold War Assault looks interesting, especially since there is only one patch from 1.xx to 1.99. If I remember correctly 1.96 could only be installed after doing an earlier upgrade. But it is a long time ago now. So I may be remembering incorrectly.  

Thanks again.


Well I found a workaround on the internet that showed how to install a bootable Windows XP disk in an Mac Pro using its latest OS that does not support 32bit applications.  I spent the best part of half a day doing that, then I thought I would give Windows 7 another chance as you said it worked for you.  When installing OFP I kept getting error messages of the type - Insufficient memory to run the game.  Previously I took these messages seriously.  This time I ignored them and it all now seems to be working fine.  One slight puzzle though, I installed CWC then Resistance then upgraded to 1.96.  In years gone by that would enable me to run the game without putting any disks in the slot.  Now I need to have the resistance disk in for it to work.  Not a problem just a puzzle.

Many thanks.  Not sure what to do with my XP disk now though!

That's spooky. Within a day of my downloading Abandoned Armies for a nostalgia trip, and who shows up on the site...

* bedges checks for hidden cameras

Good to see you are still around bedges.  We must be in synch somehow.  The reason I wanted to get OFP running was exactly the same, a nostalgic trip around Abandoned Armies.  I did eventually get it working and immediately saw things I wanted to change, but I won't.  I am really rusty.  I even got lost between Vigny and the mountain hut!  Mind you it was 3am and I had consumed a fair amount of red wine and my favourite malt.

I will go back again with a clearer head.

Best wishes.


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