Its the spray script that I am trying to add to each individual created unit.
Here is what I have:
;begin script
_pos = _this select 0
_grp = _this select 1
"sdoc_uce_russianOfficer" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",1,"LIEUTENANT"]
"sdoc_uce_russianMedic" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.5,"SERGEANT"]
"sdoc_russianMachinegunnerRPK74" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"CORPORAL"]
"sdoc_uce_russianHvyGrenadier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"CORPORAL"]
"sdoc_uce_russianGrenadier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"CORPORAL"]
"sdoc_uce_russianRPGsoldier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"CORPORAL"]
"sdoc_uce_russianSniper" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.8,"CORPORAL"]
"sdoc_uce_russianSoldier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"PRIVATE"]
"sdoc_uce_russianSoldier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"PRIVATE"]
"sdoc_uce_russianSoldier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"PRIVATE"]
"sdoc_uce_russianSoldier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"PRIVATE"]
"sdoc_uce_russianSoldier" createunit [getpos _pos,_grp,"",0.2,"PRIVATE"]
_units = units _grp
_grp setformation "LINE"
_grp setbehaviour "AWARE"
_grp setcombatmode "GREEN"
"_x allowfleeing 0" foreach _units
?(("Alive _x" count _units) == 0): "deletevehicle _x" foreach _units; exit
~random(10) + 10
goto "loop"
Where does your script go??
Any help is grrrrrrrreatly appreciated!