I like Insurgency's respawn system, but I cannot find it in public forums, so I cannot implement it in my mission as an independent script. So I decided to create it, but I stucked.
First, how it works in Insurgency: When you die, the respawn countdown don't start and the respawn scoretable don't show. You just see a squadmate from back. And you can navigate with left-right button between your living squadmates. And when you find someone, who are in a good position, you just hit the Enter button and respawn countdown is start and scoretable is showing.
I guess, I could do everything except the not running respawn and late the respawn. How can I force to wait the BIS respawn system until the player selecting the good places?
(The real Insurgency respawn made much more, but I could satisfy with this. Originally it can stop the respawn countdown if the selected squadmate move close to an enemy and then you have to select an other squadmate.)
I found setPlayerRespawnTime command. It's great, but I stucked in other point. So, now the idea is:
1. setPlayerRespawnTime 300
2. Create a camera behind living teammates
3. player can change the selected living playmates with arrow buttons
4. when he found the perfect place, hit the Enter button
5. respawn_west setMarkerPos getPos selected squadmate
6. setPlayerRespawnTime 5
The problem is: after the player die, you can move the respawn place anywhere, it's ineffective. Player will respawn where the respawn_west was in the moment when he died.
Can I somehow move the respawn place AFTER the player died? How insurgency's creator did it?
I solved it and it worked.
You need two file. The small one (lackoRespawn_keydown.sqf):
_key = _this select 1;
//player globalchat format ["key=%1", _key];
//right arrow
if (_key == 205) then {
lck_actualmate = lck_actualmate + 1;
if (lck_actualmate >= count lck_livingmates) then {
lck_actualmate = 0;
//left arrow
if (_key == 203) then {
lck_actualmate = lck_actualmate - 1;
if (lck_actualmate < 0) then {
lck_actualmate = (count lck_livingmates)-1;
if (_key == 76) then {
TitleText["Right Arrow = next squadmate\nLeft Arrow = previous squadmate\nEnter = respawn","PLAIN DOWN"];
//Enter key
if (_key == 28) then { keyout = _key };
The main script (lackoRespawn.sqf):
_unit = _this select 0;
private ['_magazines','_weapons','_backpack','_backpackweap','_backpackmags'];
_weapons = weapons _unit;
_magazines = magazines _unit;
_backpack = typeOf unitBackpack _unit;
_backpackmags = getMagazineCargo unitBackpack _unit;
_backpackweap = getWeaponCargo unitBackpack _unit;
if (_unit == player) then {
setPlayerRespawnTime 500;
_squad = group player;
lck_livingmates = [];
if (alive _x and _x!=player) then {lck_livingmates = lck_livingmates + [_x];};
} foreach units _squad;
lck_actualmate = 0;
keyout = 0;
openMap false;
0 fadesound 0;
keyspressed = compile preprocessFile "lackoRespawn_keydown.sqf";
_displayID = (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call keyspressed"];
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0];
_cam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ;
showCinemaBorder false;
_cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate);
_cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5];
_cam camcommit 0;
TitleText["Right Arrow = next squadmate\nLeft Arrow = previous squadmate\nEnter = respawn","PLAIN DOWN"];
while {_ido<=500} do {
if (_ido mod 10 == 0) then {
TitleText["Right Arrow = next squadmate\nLeft Arrow = previous squadmate\nEnter = respawn","PLAIN DOWN"];
if (keyout > 0) exitwith {};
_currentmate = lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate;
lck_livingmates = [];
if (alive _x and _x!=player) then {
lck_livingmates = lck_livingmates + [_x];
if (_x==_currentmate) then {lck_actualmate = _tempcnt;};
_tempcnt = _tempcnt + 1;
} foreach units _squad;
if (count lck_livingmates == 0) exitwith {};
_cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate);
_cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5];
_cam camcommit 0;
waituntil{camCommitted _cam};
_ido = _ido + 0.02;
sleep 0.02;
TitleText[" ","PLAIN DOWN"];
(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
setPlayerRespawnTime 5;
while {_ido<=5} do {
_cam camsettarget (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate);
_cam camsetrelpos [0,-5,2.5];
_cam camcommit 0;
waituntil{camCommitted _cam};
_ido = _ido + 0.5;
sleep 0.5;
_newpos = getPos glbase;
if (keyout > 0) then {
_newpos = getPos (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate);
//player globalchat format ["cel=%1, x=%2, y=%3", name (lck_livingmates select lck_actualmate),(_newpos select 0),(_newpos select 1)];
if ((_newpos select 0)>50 and (_newpos select 1)>50) then {
player globalchat "good respawn";
} else {
player globalchat "base respawn";
_newpos = getPos glbase;
} else {
player globalchat "baserespawn";
_newpos = getPos glbase;
player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
camdestroy _cam;
0 fadesound 1;
waituntil {alive player};
player setPos _newpos;
_unit = player;
removeallweapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
{_unit addmagazine _x} foreach _magazines;
{_unit addweapon _x} foreach _weapons;
_primw = primaryWeapon _unit;
if (_primw != "") then {
_unit selectWeapon _primw;
// Fix for weapons with grenade launcher
_muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles");
_unit selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);
if(_backpack != "") then {
_unit addBackpack _backpack;
clearWeaponCargo (unitBackpack _unit);
clearMagazineCargo (unitBackpack _unit);
for "_i" from 0 to (count (_backpackmags select 0) - 1) do {
(unitBackpack _unit) addMagazineCargo [(_backpackmags select 0) select _i,(_backpackmags select 1) select _i];
for "_i" from 0 to (count (_backpackweap select 0) - 1) do {
(unitBackpack _unit) addWeaponCargo [(_backpackweap select 0) select _i,(_backpackweap select 1) select _i];
You have to write in the playable unit's init field: xhandle = this addEventHandler ["killed", "_this execvm 'lackoRespawn.sqf'"]