First question
How do i make an drop off scene. What i mean is that soldiers are flying with a helicopter, then a pilot would land, as soon as they get out it would fly away..?
Second question.
I have a problem with hiding a briefing task.
This is my briefing code
// A2BM E 110
waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
waitUntil {player==player};
switch (side player) do
case WEST:
case EAST:
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Drop off point","You will be dropped off at 009-125. You will have to move to Kamenka on foot."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Enemy locations","Small groups of enemy patrols are scattered all over Kamenka"]];
MAG_tskObj3=player createSimpleTask ["Destroy enemy armour"];
MAG_tskObj3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Enemy armour is headed to Kamenka. Destroy it.","Destroy enemy armour","Destroy enemy armour"];
MAG_tskObj2=player createSimpleTask ["Find enemy patrol posts"];
MAG_tskObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Seems like there are some enemy patrol posts located somewhere around Kamenka. Your best bet would be to search the forests to the north. Find and destroy these patrols.","Find enemy patrol posts","Find enemy patrol posts"];
MAG_tskObj1=player createSimpleTask ["Locate and destroy enemy radio transmitters"];
MAG_tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["There are three radio transmitters deployed all around the village of Kamenka. Find them and destroy them so enemy cannot call reinforcements.","Locate and destroy enemy radio transmitters","Locate and destroy enemy radio transmitters"];
MAG_tskObj0=player createSimpleTask ["Seize Kamenka"];
MAG_tskObj0 setSimpleTaskDescription ["One of the smallest villages in Chernarus - Kamenka. However, the village is very important due to its location - Chernarussian Socialist Party troops use this village to observe the coast line for possible enemy threat. We must seize that village to have a tactical advantage.","Seize Kamenka","Seize Kamenka"];
This is my init.sqs code:
; ****************************************************************
; Script file for Armed Assault
; Created by: TODO: Author Name
; ****************************************************************
"MAG_tskObj2" objStatus "HIDDEN"
"MAG_tskObj3" objStatus "HIDDEN"
The task still wouldnt be hidden when in game.