Assuming you have identified the correct one to us ....
The ALLINONE Config from DevHeaven is a #1 source of config information.
Seacrhing "conelight" gave me this;
class Land_coneLight: Thing
scope = 2;
vehicleClass = "signs";
simulation = "thing";
animated = 0;
model = "\CA\Structures\Misc\Armory\coneLight\coneLight";
icon = "\ca\data\library\data\icons\road_cone_CA.paa";
mapSize = 0.1;
displayName = "Road cone (light)";
accuracy = 0.2;
class DestructionEffects
class MarkerLights
class YellowBlinking
name = "zluty pozicni blik";
color[] = {0.99,0.69,0.17,1};
ambient[] = {0.099,0.069,0.017,1};
brightness = 0.01;
blinking = 1;
So all you need to do is make a new object thats a copy, but with different light;
class CfgPatches
class SPU_Lights
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 1.0;
class CfgVehicles
class Land_coneLight;
class Land_SPUconeLight2: Land_coneLight // inherit all other parameters, except those stated below
displayName = "Road cone (Blue)";
class MarkerLights
class BlueBlinking
name = "zluty pozicni blik";
color[] = {0.11,0.11,0.99,1};
ambient[] = {0.099,0.069,0.017,1};
brightness = 0.01;
blinking = 1;
Untested. Fiddle with color[] etc
Place that text in a config.cpp. Place that file in a folder called something like SPU_Lights, then run BinPBO on the folder to make you own PBO addon.
To do this without a addon? Sorry, dont know how. Ask in Mission Editing and Scripting instead if thats what you wanted.