OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

cwa (ofp1.99) seems to screw up radio messages


Hi folks, haven't a clue where to post this, so here is best?

I'm playing one of my all time favorites (MacGuba's Unimpossible) but the radio messages seem to be screwed up by the cold war assault engine (or config)

specifically, 9 setradioMessage "Count enemy" which is properly aligned to an India radio trigger, doesn't appear in 0-0-anything but instead replaces 1-1-1

Possibly related, the bottom left hand action menu in general appears a little screwed (no text sometimes for 'use medic pack') and a few other things.

is there a forum specifically for cwa bugs??

I've heard the initial release of this engine was bugged, but surely this stuff is basic?

thanks in advance.

By the lack of replies so far I think we can deduce either no-one has encountered this problem, or no-one knows how to respond.

I'm not sure what more to suggest Mr M, other than reporting it in the usual places (BIF, basically). The radio control thing rings a bell now that I think on't, I seem to remember others reporting it as one of the bugs in the initial release.

Just wanted to reply to let you know we still care ;)

I am an advocate for 1.99 but due to the bugs that exist in it when replaying older content that was designed for 1.96, I would recommend that folks keep both versions installed on their hard disc. It doesn't take up that much room and aside from that, it will prevent the frustration and potential anger flare ups toward BIS, who are only trying to further support a game that Codemasters has left to the ages.

Here is a link to the only thread that I have found on version 1.99.


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