Hi guys
I'm making a new mission but I've got problems wit it.
Destroy two shilkas, save a files on a USB and get out of there.
On Editor:
I've put two shilkas with name Zsu1 and Zsu2, and Computer with name Pc1. I wanted different ends (I did them)
1. If the player didn't destroy anything
2. If the player destroyed a shilka but he doesnt save the file
3 If the player destroyed two shilkas but no file saved
4. If the player just saved the file.
5. If the player destroyed a shilka and saved the file on the USB
6. If the player did all objectives (counting two shilkas)
Well my problem is the the end #2 it always appear, other ends don't appear. I made those scripts for my mission I want to know what it's wrong.
1 Script: This script is to do the 2 objective "The file". If the player is near pc, he will get a action. this is paremeter---> On activation player addAction ["Conect USB" , "drive.sq"] Now the script
player removeaction 0
"2" obJstatus "done"
player AddRating 7000
poplachno = false
Poplach = true
Ah I forgot it: In a init.sqs file I put that : poplachno = true and Poplach = false. Well let's continue.
Well I don't put a trigger for the shilkas but wit the next script, the objective one can active.
I put a trigger with these paremeters:
Active by player ;
type : Switch ;
condition: Player in thislist
On activation : [] exec "checkout.sqs"
Well this is fucker script who I cannot fix, I don't know what it's wrong. Check out.
_a = Zsu1
_b = Zsu2
if (Alive _a or Alive _b && poplachno) then {goto "anything"}
if (not alive _a or not alive _b && poplachno) then {goto "AShilka"}
if (not alive _b && not alive _a && poplachno) then {goto "TwoShilka"}
if (poplach && alive _a && alive _b) then {goto "JustPc"}
if (not alive _b && not alive _a && poplach) then {goto "All"}
if (not alive _a or not alive _b && poplach) then {goto "Twoobjectives"}
goto "Check"
"1" objStatus "done"
"2" objStatus "failed"
"3" objStatus "done"
Fnu = true
goto "Exit"
"1" objStatus "failed"
"2" objStatus "failed"
"3" objStatus "done"
Fnf = true
goto "Exit"
"1" objStatus "done"
"2" objStatus "failed"
"3" objStatus "done"
Fnd = true
goto "Exit"
"2" objStatus "done"
"1" objStatus "failed"
"3" objStatus "done"
Fnt = true
goto "Exit"
"1" objStatus "done"
"2" objStatus "done"
"3" objStatus "done"
Fnc = true
goto "Exit"
"1" objStatus "done"
"2" objStatus "done"
"3" objStatus "done"
Fns = true
To finish I also put 6 ends
End #1 is actived by Fnu
End #2 is actived by Fnd
End #3 is actived by Fnt
End #4 is actived by Fnc
End #5 is actived by Fnf
End #6 is actived by Fns
That's all, please help me, If you can't understand those scripts tell me and I'll send my mission.